deep state about to pull the old market crash crisis fake on us


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 24, 2010
to distract people and make life harder

While every democratic voter is a closet pedo or cross dresser with sexual inadequacy issues.

Meanwhile, the rich won't suffer. Remember when dems used to be against big business and for freedoms.
to distract people and make life harder

While every democratic voter is a closet pedo or cross dresser with sexual inadequacy issues.

Meanwhile, the rich won't suffer. Remember when dems used to be against big business and for freedoms.
Just curious, would you have preferred that depositors (not investors) would have lost their funds? Most of us take for granted that when we deposit money in the bank, it will be there when we need it. Most of the accounts were businesses and the money was needed for things like payroll. There is a big difference between bailing out depositors and bailing out investors.
Just curious, would you have preferred that depositors (not investors) would have lost their funds? Most of us take for granted that when we deposit money in the bank, it will be there when we need it. Most of the accounts were businesses and the money was needed for things like payroll. There is a big difference between bailing out depositors and bailing out investors.

Yes I would have preferred they lost their funds, all things being equal. If people haven’t learned by now to diversify the money, they never will. We have seen this coming for a year and it’s just starting. Many of us protected ourselves and didn’t rely on FDIC. If people had no more sense than to trust a bank caught up in some policies, they got what they deserved.

Now the taxpayer has to bail these people out because morons trusted their funds to a work organization, and didn’t bother to check the bank’s practices in how they handled deposits.

Key phrase in your post….. “take for granted”. Shit like this happens to people that take things for granted and it’s their own fault
A glorified flu bug ran through the country in 2020, so Trump calls every business and person in the country effectively asking, on scout's honor, for you to tell him how much you need to last a yr, then sent out a check to every person in the country.

How did you think this would end?

Like anything else he leaves behind, (casinos, Capital buildings, etc) he walks away with a wave of destruction and corruption in his wake.
A glorified flu bug ran through the country in 2020, so Trump calls every business and person in the country effectively asking, on scout's honor, for you to tell him how much you need to last a yr, then sent out a check to every person in the country.

How did you think this would end?

Like anything else he leaves behind, (casinos, Capital buildings, etc) he walks away with a wave of destruction and corruption in his wake.
Then Biden and the Dems doubled down on that in spring of 2021....guess you just forgot about that tidbit...
Yes I would have preferred they lost their funds, all things being equal. If people haven’t learned by now to diversify the money, they never will. We have seen this coming for a year and it’s just starting. Many of us protected ourselves and didn’t rely on FDIC. If people had no more sense than to trust a bank caught up in some policies, they got what they deserved.

Now the taxpayer has to bail these people out because morons trusted their funds to a work organization, and didn’t bother to check the bank’s practices in how they handled deposits.

Key phrase in your post….. “take for granted”. Shit like this happens to people that take things for granted and it’s their own fault
So you think it is practical for a company with millions of dollars in payroll to divide amongst banks so that all of their accounts are under 250k? You are OK with a run on smaller banks as a result of the government not backstopping the deposits at SVB? If there had been contagion (which there almost certainly would have been), where do you think the money would have gone when people started pulling their money out of regional banks? The answer is that most of it would have gone to larger banks like Chase and B of A.
Just curious, would you have preferred that depositors (not investors) would have lost their funds? Most of us take for granted that when we deposit money in the bank, it will be there when we need it. Most of the accounts were businesses and the money was needed for things like payroll. There is a big difference between bailing out depositors and bailing out investors.
FDIC covers $250,000. Everyone knows this. Go after the management and the directors like they did for the ppl screwed by Bernie Madoff is your had more than that about deposited there.

You do realize that the only reason they are bailing out the depositors is bc of ppl like Mark Cuban who stand to lose a ton, don’t you?

And you also realize that Barney Frank sat on the Board of Directors for SVB and lobbied to weaken the banking law bearing his name, right? Or do they not expose stuff like this on MSNBC?
FDIC covers $250,000. Everyone knows this. Go after the management and the directors like they did for the ppl screwed by Bernie Madoff is your had more than that about deposited there.

You do realize that the only reason they are bailing out the depositors is bc of ppl like Mark Cuban who stand to lose a ton, don’t you?

And you also realize that Barney Frank sat on the Board of Directors for SVB and lobbied to weaken the banking law bearing his name, right? Or do they not expose stuff like this on MSNBC?
You are trying to make this political, but it is not. We do not want to turn a garden variety recession into a financial crisis.
You are trying to make this political, but it is not. We do not want to turn a garden variety recession into a financial crisis.
It is political bc SVB failed primarily bc mgmt emphasized climate and DEI policies pushed by Biden. The dwarf at Treasury didn’t see it coming (for the second time) but a week ago she was in Ukraine. if you think this is a coincidental one-off, you need to change the channel.
Getting ready to unleash digital currency, which will be followed up by the surveillance state. The Deep state's wet dream.
yep, this is not a fake. The other dominos will fall throughout the year. If the Fed keeps raising interest rates, the bond market will be destroyed and the banks are holding bonds that will become useless and they will fold. SVB was a planned demolition and there could be many reasons for it, but the others will fall on their own if the FED stays down this path imo.
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FDIC covers $250,000. Everyone knows this. Go after the management and the directors like they did for the ppl screwed by Bernie Madoff is your had more than that about deposited there.

You do realize that the only reason they are bailing out the depositors is bc of ppl like Mark Cuban who stand to lose a ton, don’t you?

And you also realize that Barney Frank sat on the Board of Directors for SVB and lobbied to weaken the banking law bearing his name, right? Or do they not expose stuff like this on MSNBC?
the FDIC will run out of money fast and then the FED will have to print more money which will increase inflation, they will continue to increase the interest rates and the banks holding bonds will fail. This is all by design, and we will have to go to war so that they can cover all their sins.
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So you think it is practical for a company with millions of dollars in payroll to divide amongst banks so that all of their accounts are under 250k? You are OK with a run on smaller banks as a result of the government not backstopping the deposits at SVB? If there had been contagion (which there almost certainly would have been), where do you think the money would have gone when people started pulling their money out of regional banks? The answer is that most of it would have gone to larger banks like Chase and B of A.

Yes I do. Those companies knew the deal full well going in. The limit is 250k. I expect the companies to monitor their financials better and know exactly what the bank is doing with their money. The depositing companies should have known SVB was loaded up with long term government bonds, which will suffer during periods of high interest rates.

Hell, even SVB admitted this in the annual report. In SVB’s 2022 annual report posted in Jan 23, they admitted having unrealized losses of 15 billion in the long term govt bonds. They also published they had only 16 billion in total capital. That is enough to wipe them out right there. THEY DIDNT HIDE IT. And companies left their money in there.

Whose fault is this? The American taxpayer? Or the ones that ignored all warnings?

I won’t even get into their work policies and the fact they had not hired a risk accessor in a year.

Why must this society never have losers? Why must everyone be a winner? This bank made bad decisions, its depositors made bad decisions. Why must the American taxpayer bail them out?

Contagion? You think this averted contagion? The fed was busy over the weekend printing money to cover not only these losses but others as well. 2 other banks went under and everyone was made
Whole. Billions upon billions was also sent to 6 other banks yesterday to prevent them from going under.

The bail out of SVB will only insure others demand the same treatment when they go under. Even if by their own mistakes. It will insure our taxes rise, inflation rise and interest rates go up even farther.

How can one have such blind faith in government. How can people expect others to pay for their own laziness and mistake. What gives them the right.
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the FDIC will run out of money fast and then the FED will have to print more money which will increase inflation, they will continue to increase the interest rates and the banks holding bonds will fail. This is all by design, and we will have to go to war so that they can cover all their sins.

The FDIC has traditionally carried 25 billion to cover these losses. This wouldn’t even cover SVB. Their balance magically went to 100 billion over night. Those money presses will be worn out soon.
The FDIC has traditionally carried 25 billion to cover these losses. This wouldn’t even cover SVB. Their balance magically went to 100 billion over night. Those money presses will be worn out soon.
no sir. I'm a banker. They do that by special assessments of all member banks,
no sir. I'm a banker. They do that by special assessments of all member banks,

Yes sir. I’m a physicist. they charge each bank a fee, like real insurance based on their risk and amount of deposits. the amount they have ready has traditionally been reported at 25 bil.

Point is, no matter how stupid bankers can be, the US taxpayer should not be the backstop of all these banks when their managers and boards drive them into the found.
Yes I do. Those companies knew the deal full well going in. The limit is 250k. I expect the companies to monitor their financials better and know exactly what the bank is doing with their money. The depositing companies should have known SVB was loaded up with long term government bonds, which will suffer during periods of high interest rates.

Hell, even SVB admitted this in the annual report. In SVB’s 2022 annual report posted in Jan 23, they admitted having unrealized losses of 15 billion in the long term govt bonds. They also published they had only 16 billion in total capital. That is enough to wipe them out right there. THEY DIDNT HIDE IT. And companies left their money in there.

Whose fault is this? The American taxpayer? Or the ones that ignored all warnings?

I won’t even get into their work policies and the fact they had not hired a risk accessor in a year.

Why must this society never have losers? Why must everyone be a winner? This bank made bad decisions, its depositors made bad decisions. Why must the American taxpayer bail them out?

Contagion? You think this averted contagion? The fed was busy over the weekend printing money to cover not only these losses but others as well. 2 other banks went under and everyone was made
Whole. Billions upon billions was also sent to 6 other banks yesterday to prevent them from going under.

The bail out of SVB will only insure others demand the same treatment when they go under. Even if by their own mistakes. It will insure our taxes rise, inflation rise and interest rates go up even farther.

How can one have such blind faith in government. How can people expect others to pay for their own laziness and mistake. What gives them the right.
You expect depositors to monitor the financials of the banks they are depositing their money? We are talking about depositors, not investors. No one is bailing out the investors. I don't know many people that do a deep dive into their bank's financials prior to depositing money. For the record, had this been the Bush, Obama, or Trump administrations, the same decision would have been made. I'm not a big government democrat, I'm a Trump-voting Republican, but this was a common sense decision.
You expect depositors to monitor the financials of the banks they are depositing their money? We are talking about depositors, not investors. No one is bailing out the investors. I don't know many people that do a deep dive into their bank's financials prior to depositing money. For the record, had this been the Bush, Obama, or Trump administrations, the same decision would have been made. I'm not a big government democrat, I'm a Trump-voting Republican, but this was a common sense decision.

Is it too much trouble to read an annual report once a year? That’s all it would have taken. You think it’s responsible to place millions of dollars in a bank and not take the time to read ONE annual report. That’s all it would have taken.

If you’re going to blindly trust an institution, then you are rolling the dice and you have to accept what comes your way. It’s your own fault for being lazy. It’s unfair in a capitalist society to put this burden on a group that was not involved.

People have been predicting this for a while. You don’t even have to come close to a deep dive to know this was coming. Just listen. I was prepared and will remain so.

And this isn’t over. This is the first tremor of more to come. So now, nobody can be whining they were uninformed. If you agree with bailing out these depositors, you also agree with the govt bailing out student loan debt. It’s the same thing.

People need to get out of the banking (debt) system to the extent they can and this event red pilled a lot of folks. The people like me predicting this have been called conspiracy theorists for suggesting these banks will fail, but if you pencil this out and do the math, it’s a death spiral. This bailout is just a tourniquet. The problem still exists. What do we do when the entire depositor comes calling for their 11 trillion or so in deposits.
Mark Cuban’s deposits at SVB is protected. East Palestine is not. Team Biden is ****ing up everything.