Durham investigation


Diehard supporter
Jan 17, 2020
Crickets for months. If there’s nothing there you’d think it would be ended already. By now most have forgotten why it was started to begin with. Just makes you think that it has taken a turn to other problems found during the Russia collusion investigation. I can’t imagine that it would continue for years and then turn up nothing of significance.
Hard to say. The only thing I'm sure of is that our government is corrupt. There's never going to be a huge gotcha moment for Democrats or Republicans like both sides keep pushing.

People keep harping on political parties instead of being Americans and that is something each of us can correct individually.

If great corruption is ever revealed it'll go beyond the political parties and that's precisely why bipartisan politics is the gatekeeper of our collective mentality. We're not going to be allowed off that ride if we're looking at either party for leadership.
Crickets for months. If there’s nothing there you’d think it would be ended already. By now most have forgotten why it was started to begin with. Just makes you think that it has taken a turn to other problems found during the Russia collusion investigation. I can’t imagine that it would continue for years and then turn up nothing of significance.
1. Should be done by now, no question
2. he charged two guys who were most likely guilty but were found innocent by DC juries. (Charging Democrats in DC, you better have pictures and DNA)
3. He did connect some dots that Republicans can point to in future of how this deal was played
4. should be done by now, no question- needs repeating for sure
Crickets for months. If there’s nothing there you’d think it would be ended already. By now most have forgotten why it was started to begin with. Just makes you think that it has taken a turn to other problems found during the Russia collusion investigation. I can’t imagine that it would continue for years and then turn up nothing of significance.
Sadly, nothing will ever happen. And we should know better at this point. No indictments after "investigations" into the faked Russian collusion, "Fast and Furious", Hitlary's server, and on and on it goes.

I am attaching an article well worth reading related to the non-indictments (hell, NON investigations) by the DOJ, after the financial crises in 2008. Well worth reading to comprehending why nothing will come from any DOJ investigation at this point.

An excerpt:
In retrospect, the outcome of the cops-and-robbers drama that played out in the wake of the global financial crisis looks so manifestly predictable now: on the one hand, you had clear-cut criminal fraud perpetrated by Wall Street banks on a colossal scale (a fact freely admitted to by Alan Greenspan in Episode 01 and ratified in this episode by Senator Ted Kaufman), while on the other (and far heavier) hand you had a Department of Justice headed by a team from… Wall Street’s go-to law firm from Washington, D.C. From the point of view of someone in 2022, the only thing more obvious than the rigged outcome here—the robbers won because the “cops” at the DOJ were the robbers’ attorneys, DUH—was the fact that the deck at the DOJ was stacked to produce exactly that result.
Crickets for months. If there’s nothing there you’d think it would be ended already. By now most have forgotten why it was started to begin with. Just makes you think that it has taken a turn to other problems found during the Russia collusion investigation. I can’t imagine that it would continue for years and then turn up nothing of significance.
I’m not trying to be a jackass (famous last words), but try broadening your news sources. You haven’t heard anything because the investigation was an utter failure. Two weak indictments that even conservative legal commentators predicted would end in acquittals.

Barr looks worse then he already did and it seems Barr and Durham chose not to pursue credible accusations against Trump.

I’m not trying to be a jackass (famous last words), but try broadening your news sources. You haven’t heard anything because the investigation was an utter failure. Two weak indictments that even conservative legal commentators predicted would end in acquittals.

Barr looks worse then he already did and it seems Barr and Durham chose not to pursue credible accusations against Trump.

So if that's the case why hasn't Biden or the DOJ said it's time to finish it and save the tax payers money? Is he worried about the perception and political ramifications?
So if that's the case why hasn't Biden or the DOJ said it's time to finish it and save the tax payers money? Is he worried about the perception and political ramifications?
That’s a great question. Regarding Biden, POTUS is supposed to stay hands-off of all DOJ investigations, but particularly any involving a special council.

I think Garland is hyper-aware of perceptions of DOJ partisanship, so this might keep him from pushing anything too aggressively.

The fact that the Durham probe has now lasted twice as long as the Mueller probe it was supposed to be investigating, and literally has nothing to show for it, is quite a statement. What the nature of the statement is depends entirely on what existing political bias the observer brings to the discussion.

This article provides a solid, if biased, summary.

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That’s a great question. Regarding Biden, POTUS is supposed to stay hands-off of all DOJ investigations, but particularly any involving a special council.

I think Garland is hyper-aware of perceptions of DOJ partisanship, so this might keep him from pushing anything too aggressively.

The fact that the Durham probe has now lasted twice as long as the Mueller probe it was supposed to be investigating, and literally has nothing to show for it, is quite a statement. What the nature of the statement is depends entirely on what existing political bias the observer brings to the discussion.

This article provides a solid, if biased, summary.

As I said above, i think the investigation has gone on way too long and should have already come to a close. However, the origins of the Trump Russian Probe are certainly murky at best and the hood needed to be lifted up and reviewed. If there is no there/there then the hood needs to be closed.

Let’s not forget, there were some crazy leaks (phone calls to foreign leaders and innuendos about Russian ties) that should not have occurred which damaged the start of his presidency. To me some of this was almost treason. Was the Durham report an attempt to hit back, probably so, but I can’t really blame them. And to say again , I am not a Trump guy.
As I said above, i think the investigation has gone on way too long and should have already come to a close. However, the origins of the Trump Russian Probe are certainly murky at best and the hood needed to be lifted up and reviewed. If there is no there/there then the hood needs to be closed.

Let’s not forget, there were some crazy leaks (phone calls to foreign leaders and innuendos about Russian ties) that should not have occurred which damaged the start of his presidency. To me some of this was almost treason. Was the Durham report an attempt to hit back, probably so, but I can’t really blame them. And to say again , I am not a Trump guy.
It WAS treasonous. And the uniparty RINO's went right along with it too.
I hate both parties to be honest.

DC is one big fraternity, both side are dirty as hell and only care about lining their own pockets.

Until we get TERM LIMITS nothing will change.
the rule of law is dead in America, the elite class and the political whores in Washington DC seem to be immune, same with big Pharma and big tech etc.
You won’t hear anything. Biden doesn’t need secret service when has the entire MSM protecting him and his interests. Everyone knows he’s a traitor of the first order