I feel like this will be helpful for folks on here on both sides

Steve Ballmer is a center-left guy so take that into account, but this is the best explainer video I’ve watched (and I’ve watched many, I’m sick I know).

We need term limits so politicians have the courage to do what’s right, not what will get them re-elected. No one is shooting thr American people straight. No one, in any party, is standing up to raise the age for a Medicare and SS. No one. What does that tell you?

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Regarding the fireworks between 3rd and 4th qtr Radi alluded to….

Listen, I know people will find a way to complain about anything and everything. I’m right there with them. I do think this is a step in the right direction to improve what I consider one of the lamest in-game entertainment experiences at Sanford Stadium. Knowing UGA, it’ll probably be one little Wal-Mart package they’ll shoot from the top of the scoreboard (I kid).

Got me thinking…what’s one cool thing we do in Sanford (in-game) that really sets us apart from everyone else? We don’t have any iconic sing-along like “Callin’ Baton Rouge” or “Dixieland Delight.” We have a trumpeter who plays a little tune followed by a montage with Munson narrating (don’t get me wrong, I’ll never underappreciate hearing Munson say anything). We play “Baba O’Riley” before kickoff with a younger Kirby Smart saying, “it’s time to attack the day,” which I guess is kind of cool? (BTW, Kirby needs to update that video, because he definitely doesn’t look like that now, ha).

I guess the coolest thing we can say we do is the Krypton sequence with the cell phone lights waving up and down—but let’s be honest, who doesn’t use cell phone lights anymore? I know I’m against the grain here, but even Krypton with the band and the cell phone lights, to me, isn’t really unique anymore and, dare I say…kind of lame? Again, I know I’m probably in the minority with that opinion, but it’s how I feel.

I guess we can take comfort that we’ll be able to sing along to Twisted Sister for the karaoke song. What a way to get us all energized on a Saturday night… 😑
