“Killer Kamala go back home”

You know the MSM won’t report it. It would mess up their plans.
Well I saw something that disturbed me today. A Tenn. pub said a lot of people are walking around with Trump signs and flags at the Trump rally’s and they aren’t even registered to vote. Man that sounds like a bunch of rednecks that need to get off their ass and register to vote or get someone to help them if they can’t read. Get registered and VOTE!
So the Hamas loving protestors are cheering this in the streets of Chicago.

Is it possible we have another Hillary situation here, where the Democrats have totally underestimated how badly the normies hate her? Just a thought as I’m watching the coverage of the DNC.
Maybe Chicago should implement a shoot to kill option if the scroates start the usual rioting and looting, a few more dead bodies in the streets would just be business as usual.