Tuesday, 13 June 1865
President Andrew Johnson named provisional governors for Alabama and Florida under the terms of his "North Carolina Proclamation." Johnson appointed William L. Sharkey as provisional governor of Mississippi. His duties were to include the early convening of a convention of loyal citizens to alter or amend the state constitution and set up a new regular state government. The governors of the other states would also ssemble state conventions of loyal Unionist citizens to amend their state constitutions, set up loyal state governments, and meet the presidential requirements for readmission to the United States. Johnson moved to continue President Abraham Lincoln’s policies while Congress was in recess until December.
Johnson also declared Tennessee restored to the Union and all citizens free from Federal disabilities or disqualifications. Tennessee voters had approved a new constitution, reorganized its government and elected a new, loyal, Unionist state legislature.
In another proclamation, the president declared trade open east of the Mississippi River except for contraband of war.
A Federal expedition moves against Indians from Dun Glen to Fairbanks Station, Nevada.
Federal troops scout against Indians from Camp Nichols, in the New Mexico Territory, with actions against attacking Indians on the Santa Fe Road.
President Andrew Johnson named provisional governors for Alabama and Florida under the terms of his "North Carolina Proclamation." Johnson appointed William L. Sharkey as provisional governor of Mississippi. His duties were to include the early convening of a convention of loyal citizens to alter or amend the state constitution and set up a new regular state government. The governors of the other states would also ssemble state conventions of loyal Unionist citizens to amend their state constitutions, set up loyal state governments, and meet the presidential requirements for readmission to the United States. Johnson moved to continue President Abraham Lincoln’s policies while Congress was in recess until December.
Johnson also declared Tennessee restored to the Union and all citizens free from Federal disabilities or disqualifications. Tennessee voters had approved a new constitution, reorganized its government and elected a new, loyal, Unionist state legislature.
In another proclamation, the president declared trade open east of the Mississippi River except for contraband of war.
A Federal expedition moves against Indians from Dun Glen to Fairbanks Station, Nevada.
Federal troops scout against Indians from Camp Nichols, in the New Mexico Territory, with actions against attacking Indians on the Santa Fe Road.