2 Cops shot in Ferguson, Way to go Eric.


Circle of Honor
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Morning Joe used it as a segue to keep telling us how racist we all are *

Remember yall bash the cops here . Tell meatcleverdawg GATA don't even

even go there with that . Cop bashers no different than the thugs on the street .
Posted from Rivals Mobile
If they had followed the advice of the only true TV depiction...

of a real cop, Barney Fife, and nipped it in the bud after the initial cop used excessive force and killed a kid when he could have used another method then things wouldn't be as bad now...
Help me understand....

You are saying that words (either said or typed on an anonymous message board) are "no different" than someone pulling a trigger and terminating the life of another individual?

You've said some doozies before OD, but wow on this one. Are cop bashers wrong? Most of the time. But does it really equate to murder?
Re: If they had followed the advice of the only true TV depiction...

well just dam, even Eric Holder, the racist black Obama flunkie found no wrong doing in the Michael Brown case. You just trying to stir the pot though cause I am sure you aren't that stupid.
Exactly how do you know the cop used excessive force?

I thought he was exonerated of any wrongdoing?
No, he actually is that stupid. Very common. Surprised he even stopped

there before he blamed Bush or the Chat.
Yeah. What's it like being black hole ignorant? You're what I call a

Re: Owned...ravenous racist dogs will always feed***

sad, actually you and millions of other like you are the most racist group of people on earth..all you see is the color of skin-WHITE and start screaming racism, disgusting,
Well bless your heart

Have you always been a liberal, racist focktard or is this a recent development?