8.5 million….

watched. read the comments. all were praising her. She was DRUNK. No doubt about it. If you listen, exactly at the 1:57 mark, she plays the wrong note/chord .. instead of the flat. She corrects on the next beat. You see Sting get off stage as fast as he can within a second at end of song. That being said, she is an incredible musician and talent. Great piano player. Very strong voice. She was accepted as an early teenager to a prestigious "arts" school in NYC that only accepted 20 students per year among 100s of applicants in piano performance. She was one of the youngest at that school. But she definitely drunk here. 🙃 🍺
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watched. read the comments. all were praising her. She was DRUNK. No doubt about it. If you listen, exactly at the 1:57 mark, she plays the wrong note/chord .. instead of the flat. She corrects on the next beat. You see Sting get off stage as fast as he can within a second at end of song. That being said, she is an incredible musician and talent. Great piano player. Very strong voice. She was accepted as an early teenager to a prestigious "arts" school in NYC that only accepted 20 students per year among 100s of applicants in piano performance. She was one of the youngest at that school. But she definitely drunk here. 🙃 🍺
Would have never caught it if you didn't mention it (note). As far as being inebriated, I thought so too. She certainly seemed loose and awfully friendly with Sting. Lady Gaga has a great voice, but I thought Sting's was much better in that video. He stood out more imo.
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