818,000 jobs less than were reported

Yeah, Dems are terrible at jobs. Bill Clinton was right:

Yeah, Dems are terrible at jobs. Bill Clinton was right:

Massive job loss during COVID greatly skewed this chart negatively for Trump and then positively for Biden as the job market rebounded.

The U.S. added 15.8 million jobs during Biden’s first 42 months in office, compared to a 2.7 million contraction during Trump’s presidency, according to total nonfarm payrolls, the most-cited measure of total employment which encompasses most American workers.

Similarly the unemployment rate rose 1.7 percentage points from 4.7% to 6.4% under Trump, declining 2.1 percentage points under Biden to the latest reading of 4.3%.

However, the gross data paints a wholly incomplete picture of the labor market’s strength under both presidents, as the COVID-19 pandemic upended the global economy beginning in 2020, causing U.S. unemployment to briefly spike to a record 14.8% in April 2020 after a whopping 22 million-worker contraction from Feb. 2020 to April 2020.

That skewed Trump’s numbers negatively and Biden’s positively as the labor market returned to relative normalcy following the unprecedented shock.

In fact, the first three-quarters of Trump’s tenure were marked by a remarkably strong job market, with nonfarm payrolls growing by about seven million between Jan. 2017 and Feb. 2020 and unemployment declining over the same period from 4.7% to 3.5%, at the time the lowest mark since 1969, later surpassed by Jan. and April 2023’s 3.4%.
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I'm sure that is a completely accurate graphic. The left would never manipulate the facts, to make themselves look good.
Even if accurate, the graph completely leaves out of context devastating job losses at the end of Trump's term due to COVID & incredible natural expected bounce back job growth a year later under Biden
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Massive job loss during COVID greatly skewed this chart negatively for Trump and then positively for Biden as the job market rebounded.

The U.S. added 15.8 million jobs during Biden’s first 42 months in office, compared to a 2.7 million contraction during Trump’s presidency, according to total nonfarm payrolls, the most-cited measure of total employment which encompasses most American workers.

Similarly the unemployment rate rose 1.7 percentage points from 4.7% to 6.4% under Trump, declining 2.1 percentage points under Biden to the latest reading of 4.3%.

However, the gross data paints a wholly incomplete picture of the labor market’s strength under both presidents, as the COVID-19 pandemic upended the global economy beginning in 2020, causing U.S. unemployment to briefly spike to a record 14.8% in April 2020 after a whopping 22 million-worker contraction from Feb. 2020 to April 2020.

That skewed Trump’s numbers negatively and Biden’s positively as the labor market returned to relative normalcy following the unprecedented shock.

In fact, the first three-quarters of Trump’s tenure were marked by a remarkably strong job market, with nonfarm payrolls growing by about seven million between Jan. 2017 and Feb. 2020 and unemployment declining over the same period from 4.7% to 3.5%, at the time the lowest mark since 1969, later surpassed by Jan. and April 2023’s 3.4%.
Now do full time vs. part time.

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Looks like the Feds plan to keep interest rates high to lower inflation is working. Looks like we will have a rate cut in September just before the election, perfect timing!!!!

Maybe this will be the October surprise that will put Harris over the top. 🫠 I have a feeling this may not be the dig at Dems you hope it will be.

“I think it means this September we need to start a process of moving rates down,” Harker told CNBC’s Steve Liesman

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And then mortgage rates will be 6.5 percent instead of 6.75. Yaaayyyyy!!!!! Still completely unaffordable for first time homebuyers.

Rates were around 3 when trump left. Why? Because the fed didn’t have to do shit when inflation was 1.9 percent.