A New Oxymoron: Pro-Life Murderer...

Lot of hit dogs howling, I see...
Speaking of bleating curs you seemingly celebrate a murderous rampage. Are you truly gleefully doing a victory dance over the blood spilled, projecting of course as you usually do. You represent a sorry, sorry and hopefully small slice of humanity when you leap upon a tragedy to paint those who disagree with you as somehow part and pacel to such an event. Please just stop it or admit you are wrong. The only person you marginalize is yourself. The only "hit dog" here is one who would seize upon blood and gore in an attempt to make him or herself feel worth while or somehow justify their hate. Try, if you will, to understand what you are doing and saying and what raw hate has done to your soul, IF you truly mean what you have just posted. I don't believe at the end of the day you do. If in fact you are ex-military you may have seen some of what humans are capable of doing to others. A post like yours does give me pause as to whether you are a fellow vet. The only perps here are the dangerously misguided who did this and those who would ignorantly attempt to justify their distorted views. You are better than that.
Speaking of bleating curs you seemingly celebrate a murderous rampage. Are you truly gleefully doing a victory dance over the blood spilled, projecting of course as you usually do. You represent a sorry, sorry and hopefully small slice of humanity when you leap upon a tragedy to paint those who disagree with you as somehow part and pacel to such an event. Please just stop it or admit you are wrong. The only person you marginalize is yourself. The only "hit dog" here is one who would seize upon blood and gore in an attempt to make him or herself feel worth while or somehow justify their hate. Try, if you will, to understand what you are doing and saying and what raw hate has done to your soul, IF you truly mean what you have just posted. I don't believe at the end of the day you do. If in fact you are ex-military you may have seen some of what humans are capable of doing to others. A post like yours does give me pause as to whether you are a fellow vet. The only perps here are the dangerously misguided who did this and those who would ignorantly attempt to justify their distorted views. You are better than that.

Stop with the crocodile tears. You called an alleged murderer at Tulane University a "thug" on this very message board. You know what the word "thug" is code for. You justified your own hate here on this message board, and I will definitely not accept being upbraided by a low down peckerwood racist such as yourself.
Who should we fear more, Syrian refugees or Christian Konservativ nutjobs who thrive off Carly Fiorina and her ilk spreading outrageous lies PROVEN over and over again to not be true. These Christian Konservatives own guns and feel that it's their "god given" duty to take revenge out on the lies, resulting in the deaths of innocent people.
Who should we fear more, Syrian refugees or Christian Konservativ nutjobs who thrive off Carly Fiorina and her ilk spreading outrageous lies PROVEN over and over again to not be true. These Christian Konservatives own guns and feel that it's their "god given" duty to take revenge out on the lies, resulting in the deaths of innocent people.

based on your comments on this board , i have to assume you put a lot of stock in " rules for radicals " . but why not, odumma and hitlery both do , in fact , odumma wrote a chapter . it's so obvious how the "rules" are being utilized by the commies in this country , you can follow step by step if you pay attention to what's going on .
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Stop with the crocodile tears. You called an alleged murderer at Tulane University a "thug" on this very message board. You know what the word "thug" is code for. You justified your own hate here on this message board, and I will definitely not accept being upbraided by a low down peckerwood racist such as yourself.

Thug, like Illegal Alien, bastard born, welfare recipient,Breeding $lut, etc, perfectly descriptive words that the left wants to censor because they hit the nail squarely.

Thug has no race. It is an anti-civilized chosen behavior celebrated by the illiterate emanations called Rap or Hip Hop.

Once upon a time, people actually had to have talent to become rich in the entertainment industry. But in the late 1970's someone decided it wasn't fair that illiterate blacks with no talent were being kept out of the industry. So the guttural profane misogynistic shouting by illiterate thugs was decided to become Black Art. The democrat promoted Illiterate Ghetto Gangsta Crap "Music" destroyed Real music like Soul, R&B and damaged Jazz.