absurd hills to die on


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Dec 16, 2007
Every January in Davos Switzerland, western globalist billionaires get together to discuss top issues with the world through the international think tank and lobby group WEF, and the globalists start to provide a philosophical argument on how to change the future of humanity for the coming year. In years past, the number one problem has been climate change, political polarization(aka racism) or national borders that hinder mass migration,...etc...

According to the WEFs 1400 global risk experts, the #1 threat to the world in JAN 2024 was mis-info and dis-info,...

This makes sense as it is an admission of failure on a few fronts by the WEF. The cracks in the universe for the western world gloablists began in 2016 when populist movements in the UK led to Brexit (Obama called Brexit a pause button on progress) and then populist-nationalist Trump defeated Jeb Bush in the primaries and went on to win the presidency. Sovereignty was slowly slipping back to nation states in the western world. Another crack was the populist uproar over ESG and DEI agendas mentioned in the WEFs great reset in 2020. GARM has dissolved just recently, which was a WEF creation advocacy group designed to pressure advertisers to drop relationships with media platforms that are not woke enough.But nothing is more frightening for the western world globalists than populist right political movements currently winning in the USA and Europe.

Western globalists need to work harder in manufacturing consent of its proposals. The globalist agenda usually produces inflation, mass migration, crime, destabilizing of society etc,...these outcomes are usually unpopular in world elections,hence in 2024, censoring "misinformation" and "dis information" acts as a tool to silence opposition towards agendas that are anti-human,.. 2024 is an important year for censorship because their is a USA presidential election combined with an unusually high number of elections internationally.

Here is a list of countries in the western world employing an effort to censor enemies of western globalists and leftist political parties:

Brazil -Brazil started fining X because Elon Musk refused to censor certain individuals within Brazil at the request of the Brazilian govt. Brazil has freezed X assets within Brazil to ensure that Elon pays fines associated with not censoring Brazilian individuals.

EU-preparing to expand a misinformation law from the past that would require media platforms to censor misinformation as deemed by the EU. X has been cited as currently not being in compliance with the EU guidelines in misinformation and may be banned soon in the EU.

Australia -is currently proposing a law to ban media platforms that do not censor at the behest of the Australian govt, including a 7 year jail sentence for online slander.

USA- The attempted "Misinformation department" of the us federal govt had to disband 2 years ago because of political pressure, so more tactful methods were spawned by the DOJ which involves probing and threatening to sue big tech companies as monopolies to gain leverage to create more cooperation with the federal government to pursue a censorship partner.

France. France has arrested the founder of telegram. Telegram is one of the top 2 encrypted messaging providers (Whatsapp the other one). It's an interesting fact that the Russian military has used telegram for military communication the last 2 years, and is this takeover by france of telegram a way to shakedown and derive the communications of the Russian military the last 2 years.

Uk-last month has promised to arrest those on social media encouraging protests and rioting of a right wing nature. One 20 year old Englishman got arrested and charged 2 years in jail for walking towards a mosque with an English flag.

Liberal western globalist political parties can win elections despite their nihilist policies with enough endorsements from celebrities like Taylor Swift, combined with enough censorship of the opposition, and a lack of voter integrity guard rails,

But they will suffer defeat as well on occasions,...because a tree is judged by its fruits quite often,'s not a game played in our time only,..but for every age, ...just imagine the laughs from posterity when they discover a stone inscripted stele of our current society when they see our unsavory culture wars of today such as the state of New York banning it's colleges from playing basketball with North Carolina because NC doesn't allow chicks with dicks to use the bathroom of their preferred method.

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