ACS Dawg posted re: old analog audio equipment last night....


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jul 31, 2010
You should fire up that rig and see what you get.

The problem I saw with cone speakers was the rubber/foam around the edge of the paper. I had to have a set of 15" woofers refurbished once, and it wasn't the paper but the rubber around the edge that had to be replaced due to dry-rot. There are lots of places where you could get them redone. Go to most any music store and they can at least point you in the right direction.

I still have all of my old stereo equipment, but stored in boxes in my basement (finished basement, mind you... no moisture). Maybe one day I'll get it out and fire it up.

This post was edited on 3/13 2:30 PM by SleepingDawgLying
dude! got old analog reciever under bed...left channel gone out x2...

it is Awesome...
but today who needs giant speakers to Pump it all.?
I rock a pair of Marantz 930s in my sunroom...

l luv them.
my giants had woofers finally dry rot few years ago...ah, memories.**

Re: dude! got old analog reciever under bed...left channel gone out x2...

i will always subscribe to bigger towers over powered monitors.

Toying with these .... have not heard ribbons before but the price is dang near too good to pass on for all the rave reviews. Just want to know if they rock for blues and rock or just jazz and classical.

Nice!! the analog (needing work) and a digital in garage...

used to love it All...
became a focal piece of room...
makes me think real hard, but nobody here wants to hear me Blast...
F'em, right.!?
get the gear out. I have two rigs. *

One big setup in the basement with Martin Logan CLS III's and high current Classe electronics and a good CD player and Well-Tempered turntable. It's life-like sound. Upstairs is smaller with Naim gear and B&W 802's. Sounds good. Kids love it.
Re: Nice!! the analog (needing work) and a digital in garage...

F em indeed.

Blast away sir.

over n out.
one last thing

the philharmonics out there are also supposed to be amazing. He makes his own and sells em. Takes existing speakers and mods the shat out of em. Got some new cheaper towers he sells. may be worf checking out.

some models look as good as they sound.


Dammit...must Stop looking... deadly $ trap of worthy cool Man-Stuff.**

Guys name is dennis Murphy. He's on avsforum. Check it out.

He makes high end speakers but has modded the awesome, budget pioneer speakers with a new tweeter and new crossover.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: dude! got old analog reciever under bed...left channel gone out x2...

With you on the bigger towers. I've heard Magnepans a few times over the years and they are always wonderful. That looks like a heck of a deal to me. I used to have a set of planar speakers called Bertagni Electroacoustic. I think generally they need a little subwoofer help and a fairly good bit of power because they are sort of inefficient.

I have a set of Klipschorns that I run with Cary 300B tube amps. Speakers the size of small cars run by 4 watt tube amps and they will shatter the windows. All due to the efficiency of horns versus cone speakers. But there are thousands of ways to get concert-like sound.
Yeah, I enjoy the sound just as much out of my PC. I have some...

... awesome ALTEC speakers on this bad boy. They rumble!

My old home system has a Kenwood pre-amp and a Kenwood 440W (220 per channel) amp. My old Yamaha cassette deck (with built-in DBX encoding) ain't working any more.

I still have my original CD player that I bought when they hit the market sometime around 1987. I can almost remember all of the CDs I bought that same day. Ironically, I bought 6 CD's... Heh-heh... foretelling of the Chat. I do remember that I bought "Dark Side Of The Moon". That was a must. I bought Black Sabbath "Sabotage." Hmm... man, what were the other four? Oh, yes... I bought an original Megaforce label release of Metallica's "Kill'em All" CD as part of the lot of 6. I forgot about that one. I still have it, too. Maybe I bought "Ride The Lightning" as well, as that was my favorite of all albums back in those days.

My old Pioneer speakers, though... those bad boys are awesome. I forget their rating but they could handle anything I could run through them.