How dishonest. AJC cares only bc Trump is going to win. They don't care that totally abandoned all journalistic standards and lied to us for 4 years.

Yep. A hit piece on Biden BUT also, on Trump as well. No mention at all of lyin' Joe's falsehoods, statements, and just downright lies. To them, I guess, it was only Trump that lied. No greater lier in the history of politics than Joe "Brandon" Biden.
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The AJC is a liberal rag, I haven't read it in years. Hopefully, it folds soon!
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The AJC, Washington post, MSNBC, CNN..etc provide a window into what the big money cabal wants people to think,..for instance the supreme Court Chevron ruling is such a straightforward positive ruling on freedom protecting fisherman from having to pay for environmental monitors in their boats, because the bureaucrats had less of a budget and wanted to pass costs of oversight to fisherman, a cost of 700 dollars a day for a bureaucrat to ride on fishing boats to do biological studies and police fisherman,..

The media painted the Supreme Court ruling of this as a power grab by courts and paints hypothetical scenarios where it will be used to deny unvoted benevolent bureaucrats to help humanity

What if Congress just passed exact language so neither courts or bureaucrats were given a large area to interpretation
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