O OlecountryDawg Pillar of the DawgVent Jan 24, 2008 18,413 10,683 172 May 14, 2015 #1 I hope we get a few up scale strip clubs with it .
S special Letterman and National Champion Jul 5, 2001 1,789 271 137 May 14, 2015 #2 OlecountryDawg said: I hope we get a few up scale strip clubs with it . Click to expand... Maybe they will pave some roads. Some of the worst in USA.
OlecountryDawg said: I hope we get a few up scale strip clubs with it . Click to expand... Maybe they will pave some roads. Some of the worst in USA.
Radi Nabulsi Publisher Staff Nov 17, 2003 40,383 232,288 197 May 14, 2015 #3 I thought Bama did already. Shows I am out of the loop.
O OlecountryDawg Pillar of the DawgVent Jan 24, 2008 18,413 10,683 172 May 14, 2015 #4 Nope .. There will be come September, if all goes well :
O OldDawg Circle of Honor May 29, 2001 50,410 7 110 May 14, 2015 #5 Just another way to tax folks without upsetting Grover Norquist and his people. It's voluntary self taxation, and yes, I do play with the darn thing.
Just another way to tax folks without upsetting Grover Norquist and his people. It's voluntary self taxation, and yes, I do play with the darn thing.