AMA: Resident Penn State expert

Dear lord. For the sake of this post @NASCAR Dawg im hoping this is your D Coordinator and you two were at Beefs tonight pre gaming.
Who lol I'm sorry ok serous question did what coach did Joe Pa coach under was he always coaching at pen state.did he coach under Vince I'm taking about dolley eta we should have played Smu
Who lol I'm sorry ok serous question did what coach did Joe Pa coach under was he always coaching at pen state.did he coach under Vince I'm taking about dolley eta we should have played Smu
Ohhhhh, an illiterate troll. I get it now.
Dear lord. For the sake of this post @NASCAR Dawg im hoping this is your D Coordinator and you two were at Beefs tonight pre gaming.
Not him. He can't afford the subscription and won't get on the internet because he doesn't trust the government.
Not him. He can't afford the subscription and won't get on the internet because he doesn't trust the government.

That whole "you don't have/can't afford the subscription" has to be the dumbest "slam" I've seen. What's more pathetic is that I've seen it used over and over - hilarious!!!
Not him. He can't afford the subscription and won't get on the internet because he doesn't trust the government.