An International Policy Analyst


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2006
. the Rand Corp., a U.S. Department of Defense-funded think tank, said today that the administration had grossly underestimated the funds that ISIS gets from oil & overestimated the effect their bombing has had. Admitting 21/2 years of bungling this war. Trump would have won this war 2 years ago.

Trump wouldn't be a dictator..thank God.
He likely would have a very hard time getting anything done.
He also isn't the wonderful achiever many think. He has filed corporate bankruptcy 4 times. A POTUS can't use legal tricks to reboot.
. the Rand Corp., a U.S. Department of Defense-funded think tank, said today that the administration had grossly underestimated the funds that ISIS gets from oil & overestimated the effect their bombing has had. Admitting 21/2 years of bungling this war. Trump would have won this war 2 years ago.
Trump wouldn't be a dictator..thank God.
He likely would have a very hard time getting anything done.
He also isn't the wonderful achiever many think. He has filed bankruptcy 6 or 7 times. A POTUS can't use legal tricks to reboot.

He has had 4 bankrupt businesses. If u have 50 businesses and 4 go bankrupt, that is a success rate of 92%. I will take that. Getting things done hasn't been a problem for him to date. He could get a lot done on immigration and foreign policy since the Pres tends to have a lot of autonomy in those areas. Cutting back on the size of govt would be hard for any repub pres cause that is where dems would really obstruct.
He has had 4 bankrupt businesses. If u have 50 businesses and 4 go bankrupt, that is a success rate of 92%. I will take that. Getting things done hasn't been a problem for him to date. He could get a lot done on immigration and foreign policy since the Pres tends to have a lot of autonomy in those areas. Cutting back on the size of govt would be hard for any repub pres cause that is where dems would really obstruct.

Look at Nick Saban. When he went to The NFL where the playing field was more level and people didn't take to his dictatorial style, he wasn't so good.
Trump has maybe the worst personality makeup of any candidate I've ever seen for the kind of relationship building needed to be a successful POTUS.
I think he'd be a disaster.
Look at Nick Saban. When he went to The NFL where the playing field was more level and people didn't take to his dictatorial style, he wasn't so good.
Trump has maybe the worst personality makeup of any candidate I've ever seen for the kind of relationship building needed to be a successful POTUS.
I think he'd be a disaster.

Has Obama built relationships with republicans?. I think not. Just reference his divisive comments this week. More interested in putting down repubs from off our shores than being saddens by the Paris shootings and wanting to go after ISIS. Both He and Hil attack repubs and make very strong comments such as comparing them to terrorists or to those in the iran streets that chant death to America. That is not the way to build relationships. Obama in fact is the most divisive president we have ever had.
I see Trump as decisive, strong leader who tends to get to the crux of the problem quickly which is the opposite of Obama who tends to stall, deliberate, and deliberate some more until the time to act is gone. Then like with Benghazi , they don't do anything.
. the Rand Corp., a U.S. Department of Defense-funded think tank, said today that the administration had grossly underestimated the funds that ISIS gets from oil & overestimated the effect their bombing has had. Admitting 21/2 years of bungling this war. Trump would have won this war 2 years ago.

Linky no worky. Can you fix it? Would like to read that article. Trumps a blowhard but for Isis to exist it has to have its caliphate or country. Thus starving them to death should be part of our strategy
Rio, let me try it one more time. If this doesnt work google bloomberg article titled 'why ISIS has all the money it needs"

Thanks. Good read. I find the roadside cooking refineries to be incredulous. Reading "the profit" right now and oil refining to gasoline at any appreciable refining fraction is quite difficult. Must be cooking it to diesel at low temps or altered the engines to run on raw crude-not a good long term solution. The refining attacks are what I would have done first also. Then went after the raw crude. Great read. Thanks.
Has Obama built relationships with republicans?. I think not. Just reference his divisive comments this week. More interested in putting down repubs from off our shores than being saddens by the Paris shootings and wanting to go after ISIS. Both He and Hil attack repubs and make very strong comments such as comparing them to terrorists or to those in the iran streets that chant death to America. That is not the way to build relationships. Obama in fact is the most divisive president we have ever had.
I see Trump as decisive, strong leader who tends to get to the crux of the problem quickly which is the opposite of Obama who tends to stall, deliberate, and deliberate some more until the time to act is gone. Then like with Benghazi , they don't do anything.

Trump is an egotistical jackass who doesn't have a shred of statesman in him. Presidents aren't autocrats, he would alienate most in his own party before long, he would be a disaster as POTUS.
If he wins the nomination, I will vote for Hillary.
Trump wouldn't be a dictator..thank God.
He likely would have a very hard time getting anything done.
He also isn't the wonderful achiever many think. He has filed corporate bankruptcy 4 times. A POTUS can't use legal tricks to reboot.
No, what we need is a community organizer who is as common as dirt and never had a real job in his life. A f'ing idiot that couldn't balance a check book. A metro sexual that at the end of the day is nothing but a pu$$y.
Trump is an egotistical jackass who doesn't have a shred of statesman in him. Presidents aren't autocrats, he would alienate most in his own party before long, he would be a disaster as POTUS.
If he wins the nomination, I will vote for Hillary.

anybody is so much better than what we have now , he has no class and he is so radical that he has no problem putting this country in danger because of his warped agenda .
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Trump is an egotistical jackass who doesn't have a shred of statesman in him. Presidents aren't autocrats, he would alienate most in his own party before long, he would be a disaster as POTUS.
If he wins the nomination, I will vote for Hillary.
I too believe Trump would be a disaster.

You choosing to vote for Hillary if Trump wins the Republican nomination is exactly what I'm afraid of. I dont trust Trump and think he's working to get Billary elected.
I too believe Trump would be a disaster.

You choosing to vote for Hillary if Trump wins the Republican nomination is exactly what I'm afraid of. I dont trust Trump and think he's working to get Billary elected.
34, Huns, I think it is weak conspiracy theory that Trump wants to get Hil elected. Running for Pres is very time consuming and exhausting. He is taking time away from his businesses.and his favorite activity which is making money. As for being a disaster, why can't u see that the current pres has been a disaster and voting for hil doubles the disaster?. Foreign policy, ACA is a disaster, immigration laws ignored. Donald 'do worse.
I don't disagree that he is egotistical but I also think he loves the country and wants to put Americans first.not illegal aliens, his party,or the black race. Obam is just as egotistical and arrogant but he is a smoother talker. Most of our politicians are in bed with their big money contributors. Just like Obama gave billions to his large contributors. who came up with ideas for green energy, then after distributing the funds as big bonuses for their executives, they pleaded bankruptcy. At least Trump will be his own man.
Trump wouldn't be a dictator..thank God.
He likely would have a very hard time getting anything done.
He also isn't the wonderful achiever many think. He has filed corporate bankruptcy 4 times. A POTUS can't use legal tricks to reboot.

Really? He's had 4 deals go south on him out of the hundreds of deals. Now he didn't necessarily have to pull himself up by his bootstraps but by any measure the man is much more of a success that the current POTUS.

I'll admit that the guy is a blowhard but there is a reason that he is resonating with a lot of folks. They are tired of the status quo and he is a big time contrast to guy that currently holds the office.
Really? He's had 4 deals go south on him out of the hundreds of deals. Now he didn't necessarily have to pull himself up by his bootstraps but by any measure the man is much more of a success that the current POTUS.

I'll admit that the guy is a blowhard but there is a reason that he is resonating with a lot of folks. They are tired of the status quo and he is a big time contrast to guy that currently holds the office.

You're defending 4 BANKRUPTSES, not simply 4 bad deals. He bailed on his commitments, stuck those Who supported his efforts with the losses and all for the benefit of himself. If this was a Democrat you'd all condemn his actions.
Trump is an egotistical jackass who doesn't have a shred of statesman in him. Presidents aren't autocrats, he would alienate most in his own party before long, he would be a disaster as POTUS.
If he wins the nomination, I will vote for Hillary.

BFD. Who cares if Trump is an egotistical jackass? The guy works in the private sector where NOBODY is forced to do business with him at all. Trump's public persona may be that of a blowhard but the guy has PERFECTED the art of the deal. Unlike Obama and the statist, Trump actually has to craft deals that benefit all the participants. Heck, even the guy that scrubs toilets at Trump Tower can walk away at any time if he feels Trump is treating him unfairly.

Yeah, you are right, many successful businessmen don't give everybody they meet the warm and fuzzies but they certainly aren't autocrats either. Every successful business man knows how to sell and market their ideas where folks will actually buy from them voluntarily. If you want to see an autocrat, I would suggest you look at the guy being slapped down by the courts for attempting to issue illegal executive orders because he CAN'T make a deal.
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Trump is an egotistical jackass who doesn't have a shred of statesman in him. Presidents aren't autocrats, he would alienate most in his own party before long, he would be a disaster as POTUS.
If he wins the nomination, I will vote for Hillary.
Of course you will vote for Hillary, a bitch that has failed miserable at every position she has had (something you can probably relate to). You could not make this $hit up!
You're defending 4 BANKRUPTSES, not simply 4 bad deals. He bailed on his commitments, stuck those Who supported his efforts with the losses and all for the benefit of himself. If this was a Democrat you'd all condemn his actions.

Bankruptcy is a process where a business is reorganized when it can;t pay its bills in a court process where the owners relinguish all ownership or much of their owner ship to creditors or stock holders. Assets are sold and gven to creditors and hopefully the company is reorganized to start making money. It is really for the benefit of all because otherwise creditors or stockholders would get nothing. In a capitalistic system, people including Donald Trump make bad business decisions. We all have but if the vast majority of your decisions are good for someone like Donald Trump I don't see this as major issue. Of course u dems will try to bring him down like u do any repub but this issue won't bring him down..
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