And nothing was done.....


Circle of Honor
May 29, 2001
to stop it. And then, they put their flag/s up. Crazy shat......nobody's home.

Next thing you know, we will have Russian and Chinese bombers knocking on our door (border).

"At Union Station, protesters removed all three American flags flying outside the historic metro transit hub. They flew Palestinian flags in their place and burned at least one of the American flags that were taken down. Protesters also covered nearby monuments in grafitti".


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Let’s elect a guy that lets Russia have everything for temporary peace
“Let’s elect a guy that lets Russia have everything for temporary peace”??….. LOL, maybe Joe should try that before another World War breaks out.

You got a link proving that, or is that just more BS that you are posting to get a response??

You are like that gnat that never goes away. Wanting to argue about any tiny thing you can, but mostly without any substance.

You got little brother syndrome or something?
You want to vote Democratic, do so. I have no control over it. Pretty damn sure you are not changing anyone’s mind on here.

Me, I will vote for the one (or party) that helps my wallet most and keeps me safe.
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What did he let them have?
He is going to withdraw funding for Ukraine which will mean that Russia will take Ukraine. And of course Russia will stop there, completely content, and will never invade another country. And we will all live happily ever after.
“Russia have everything for peace”??….. LOL, maybe Joe should try that before another World War breaks out.

You got a link proving that, or is that just more BS that you are posting to get a response??

You are like that gnat that never goes away. Wanting to argue about any tiny thing you can, but mostly without any substance.

You got little brother syndrome or something?
You want to vote Democratic, do so. I have no control over it. Pretty damn sure you are not changing anyone’s mind on here.

Me, I will vote for the one (or party) that helps my wallet most and keeps me safe.
I’m sorry if you were looking for an echo chamber. Specifically, on the Russia/China issue I think we ultimately agree that they are a threat. It’s ok if we fundamentally disagree on how to address that threat. You will survive my difference of opinion.
He is going to withdraw funding for Ukraine which will mean that Russia will take Ukraine. And of course Russia will stop there, completely content, and will never invade another country. And we will all live happily ever after.
Or maybe it will mean he puts pressure on the European nations to fund the lion's share of a European conflict that threatens European nations. Just because the U.S. says we are no longer going to issue blank checks doesn't mean we can't apply pressure for a negotiated peace while other developed nations foot most of the bill. Unless of course you think Ukraine is going to be able to survive a war of attrition with Russia.
I’m sorry if you were looking for an echo chamber. Specifically, on the Russia/China issue I think we ultimately agree that they are a threat. It’s ok if we fundamentally disagree on how to address that threat. You will survive my difference of opinion.
“Looking for an echo chamber”??

That is such BS, I don’t mind having a discussion. Just not interested in you posting lies/provocation to try & make a point. I will call it every time I see it.

If you have some evidence of this, link it:

Let’s elect a guy that lets Russia have everything for temporary peace”

Unless you have anything to back your claim, it just tells me you are on here for one thing. If you have nothing, this makes the second time you’ve lied that I’ve caught. The first time, you admitted to it.

Not a good look for anyone.
“Looking for an echo chamber”??

That is such BS, I don’t mind having a discussion. Just not interested in you posting lies/provocation to try & make a point. I will call it every time I see it.

If you have some evidence of this, link it:

Let’s elect a guy that lets Russia have everything for temporary peace”

Unless you have anything to back your claim, it just tells me you are on here for one thing. If you have nothing, this makes the second time you’ve lied that I’ve caught. The first time, you admitted to it.

Not a good look for anyone.
Throwing crap at the wall. It is amazing to see some of what is said. I think we will be waiting quite sometime for a factual answer.
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“Looking for an echo chamber”??

That is such BS, I don’t mind having a discussion. Just not interested in you posting lies/provocation to try & make a point. I will call it every time I see it.

If you have some evidence of this, link it:

Let’s elect a guy that lets Russia have everything for temporary peace”

Unless you have anything to back your claim, it just tells me you are on here for one thing. If you have nothing, this makes the second time you’ve lied that I’ve caught. The first time, you admitted to it.

Not a good look for anyone.
I explained my meaning in a prior comment- he has stated clearly a desire to withdraw funding from the Ukraine side. Whatever he wants to call it, demanding NATO to pay or whatever, the reality and effect will be that Russia will win. You can dress it up in your mind however you want.
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I explained my meaning in a prior comment- he has stated clearly a desire to withdraw funding from the Ukraine side. Whatever he wants to call it, demanding NATO to pay or whatever, the reality and effect will be that Russia will win. You can dress it up in your mind however you want.
The lie that you told before was not about Russia, Ukraine & NATO, sounds like U are probably getting your lies mixed up. You told some BS about Trump raping a 13-year-old girl. I challenged it & asked for proof, and you later admitted you had none.

The other lie that you can't back up, is the one above that you can't seem to defend also:

"Let’s elect a guy that lets Russia have everything for temporary peace”.

I've asked twice now, and you have yet to come up with any proof. Looks to me like you are just FOS and a liar (twice). Maybe you should just change your handle and come back with a fresh new one. Your credibility like a few others here is now nonexistent.

BTW, what the hayul does "brimur" even mean, is that a name??
  • Haha
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The lie that you told before was not about Russia, Ukraine & NATO, sounds like U are probably getting your lies mixed up. You told some BS about Trump raping a 13-year-old girl. I challenged it & asked for proof, and you later admitted you had none.

The other lie that you can't back up, is the one above that you can't seem to defend also:

"Let’s elect a guy that lets Russia have everything for temporary peace”.

I've asked twice now, and you have yet to come up with any proof. Looks to me like you are just FOS and a liar (twice). Maybe you should just change your handle and come back with a fresh new one. Your credibility like a few others here is now nonexistent.

BTW, what the hayul does "brimur" even mean, is that a name??
Is my meaning really that hard to follow? “Have everything” meant have all of Ukraine. It’s pretty clear that’s our current issue with Russia. I’m not sure that’s hard to follow. And yes, an anonymous woman accused Trump of raping her when she was 13 but she has withdrawn civil suits against him twice so you can reasonably choose to believe that her claims did not happen.

The idea that my claims are so absurd that you would suggest I should change my handle is beyond laughable. You are disconnected from reality. Many people have serious questions about Trump’s sexual improprieties as well as his complicity with Russia. You should exit your bubble from time to time.

And No I will not be changing my handle, but you can if you want.
I explained my meaning in a prior comment- he has stated clearly a desire to withdraw funding from the Ukraine side. Whatever he wants to call it, demanding NATO to pay or whatever, the reality and effect will be that Russia will win. You can dress it up in your mind however you want.
I thought Russia was inept. How are they going to win and keep invading other countries?
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Is my meaning really that hard to follow? “Have everything” meant have all of Ukraine. It’s pretty clear that’s our current issue with Russia. I’m not sure that’s hard to follow. And yes, an anonymous woman accused Trump of raping her when she was 13 but she has withdrawn civil suits against him twice so you can reasonably choose to believe that her claims did not happen.

The idea that my claims are so absurd that you would suggest I should change my handle is beyond laughable. You are disconnected from reality. Many people have serious questions about Trump’s sexual improprieties as well as his complicity with Russia. You should exit your bubble from time to time.

And No I will not be changing my handle, but you can if you want.
Complicity with Russia is BS. Russia got nothing and they toed the line while he was in office.
Is my meaning really that hard to follow? “Have everything” meant have all of Ukraine. It’s pretty clear that’s our current issue with Russia. I’m not sure that’s hard to follow. And yes, an anonymous woman accused Trump of raping her when she was 13 but she has withdrawn civil suits against him twice so you can reasonably choose to believe that her claims did not happen.

The idea that my claims are so absurd that you would suggest I should change my handle is beyond laughable. You are disconnected from reality. Many people have serious questions about Trump’s sexual improprieties as well as his complicity with Russia. You should exit your bubble from time to time.

And No I will not be changing my handle, but you can if you want.
Trump is going to let Russia have Ukraine?

An anonymous woman accused Trump of raping her when she was 13 and later withdrew a civil suit??…..but yet you said he did rape her.

Your accusations and imagination are certainly doing a lot of heavy lifting. Oh well, at least you probably believe it, that’s what counts.
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Is my meaning really that hard to follow? “Have everything” meant have all of Ukraine. It’s pretty clear that’s our current issue with Russia. I’m not sure that’s hard to follow. And yes, an anonymous woman accused Trump of raping her when she was 13 but she has withdrawn civil suits against him twice so you can reasonably choose to believe that her claims did not happen.

The idea that my claims are so absurd that you would suggest I should change my handle is beyond laughable. You are disconnected from reality. Many people have serious questions about Trump’s sexual improprieties as well as his complicity with Russia. You should exit your bubble from time to time.

And No I will not be changing my handle, but you can if you want.
Tara Reade claims it did happen. Oh wait, that's on Joe.
Trump is going to let Russia have Ukraine?

An anonymous woman accused Trump of raping her when she was 13 and later withdrew a civil suit??…..but yet you said he did rape her.

Your accusations and imagination are certainly doing a lot of heavy lifting. Oh well, at least you probably believe it, that’s what counts.

It really is amazing

Any accusation about Trump is permanently true. Even when proven false, they are still true.

Democrats and reality just don't jive.
Is my meaning really that hard to follow? “Have everything” meant have all of Ukraine. It’s pretty clear that’s our current issue with Russia. I’m not sure that’s hard to follow. And yes, an anonymous woman accused Trump of raping her when she was 13 but she has withdrawn civil suits against him twice so you can reasonably choose to believe that her claims did not happen.

The idea that my claims are so absurd that you would suggest I should change my handle is beyond laughable. You are disconnected from reality. Many people have serious questions about Trump’s sexual improprieties as well as his complicity with Russia. You should exit your bubble from time to time.

And No I will not be changing my handle, but you can if you want.
First, why would TRUMP be allowing Russia to have all of Ukraine? Does the POTUS get to unilaterally decide the outcome of European wars and does the price in monetary terms and human lives warrant a commitment to total victory in Ukraine? The way we are allowing Ukraine to use our aid and the ever growing drumbeat to totally defeat Putin reminds me a lot of Vietnam. Personally, I don't want to get into a situation where mission creep puts U.S. boots on the ground. The bottom line is this war is likely going to end with a diplomatic solution but that won't happen if you refuse to talk with the other side.

Next, WGAS about Trump's sex life during the early 2000s. As far as I can tell, he kept it in his pants during his time in the oval office which can't be said about numerous POTUSs from the past that are admired as great statesmen. As far as the allegations by the 13 yr girl. Don't you think the Mueller team, Dem oppo research or any of the I'm going to get Trump prosecutors would love to make hay with that one if they could have brought charges or publicized credible allegations? I'm sure they would have gone after him for a chart of accounts violation thatturned it into 30 something felonies if they had credible rape cases to make.
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to stop it. And then, they put their flag/s up. Crazy shat......nobody's home.

Next thing you know, we will have Russian and Chinese bombers knocking on our door (border).

"At Union Station, protesters removed all three American flags flying outside the historic metro transit hub. They flew Palestinian flags in their place and burned at least one of the American flags that were taken down. Protesters also covered nearby monuments in grafitti".


It gets worse.

  • Angry
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First, why would TRUMP be allowing Russia to have all of Ukraine? Does the POTUS get to unilaterally decide the outcome of European wars and does the price in monetary yerms and human lives warrant a commitment to total victory in Ukraine? The way we are allowing Ukraine to use our aid and the ever growing drumbeat to totally defeat Putin reminds me a lot of Vietnam. Personally, I don't want to get into a situation where mission creep puts U.S. boots on the ground. The bottom line is this war is likely going to end with a diplomatic solution but that won't happen if you refuse to talk with the other side.

Next, WGAS about Trump's sex life during the early 2000s. As far as I can tell, he kept it in his pants during his time in the oval office which can't be said about numerous POTUSs from the past that are admired as great statesmen. As far as the allegations by the 13 yr girl. Don't you think the Mueller team, Dem oppo research or any of the I'm going to get Trump prosecutors would love to make hay with that one if they could have brought charges or publicized credible allegations? I'm sure they would have gone after him for a chart of accounts violation thatturned it into 30 something felonies if they had credible rape cases to make.
Your strongest point is your last one. I think that’s valid to assume that all the rabid anti-Trump prosectutors would have found something there if it existed. Then again, all things around Epstein are just weird. Why haven’t any of those dudes that participated in that sex trafficking scheme been prosecuted? Bill Clinton? Bill Gates? We’ll probably never know close to the full truth about what the hell was going on and who Epstein really was.
Is my meaning really that hard to follow? “Have everything” meant have all of Ukraine. It’s pretty clear that’s our current issue with Russia. I’m not sure that’s hard to follow. And yes, an anonymous woman accused Trump of raping her when she was 13 but she has withdrawn civil suits against him twice so you can reasonably choose to believe that her claims did not happen.

The idea that my claims are so absurd that you would suggest I should change my handle is beyond laughable. You are disconnected from reality. Many people have serious questions about Trump’s sexual improprieties as well as his complicity with Russia. You should exit your bubble from time to time.

And No I will not be changing my handle, but you can if you want.


You freaking TDS weirdos care more about Russia and Trump’s sex life than our economy and border… I couldn’t care less if Big Orange Donnie has Russian hotties peeing on him or whatever other strange rumors you MSM sheep believe… maybe that’s why his skin is so tan and vibrant… you should tan more and maybe even try a golden shower too…
He is going to withdraw funding for Ukraine which will mean that Russia will take Ukraine. And of course Russia will stop there, completely content, and will never invade another country. And we will all live happily ever after.
Yes I remember when he invaded Ukraine when Trump was president. Can’t believe the war has been going on for that long
Your strongest point is your last one. I think that’s valid to assume that all the rabid anti-Trump prosectutors would have found something there if it existed. Then again, all things around Epstein are just weird. Why haven’t any of those dudes that participated in that sex trafficking scheme been prosecuted? Bill Clinton? Bill Gates? We’ll probably never know close to the full truth about what the hell was going on and who Epstein really was.
The Epstein deal is one reason why I will vote for Trump. (And yes I know he's a cad) As the adoptive father of 2 girls that were molested and neglected at an early age, child abuse is one of my very few triggers.

The fact that we KNOW abusers associated with Epstein are known but protected by our federal LE infuriates me and I want to see DC get an enema. As of now, DJT seems to be the only guy willing to hold the hose and flush out some of the institutional corruption. It's not that I expect Trump to expose the Epstein client list but based on his human trafficking task force plus the enemies he has in the DOJ, I feel he's one of the only people that given the opportunity would do something.
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The Epstein deal is one reason why I will vote for Trump. (And yes I know he's a cad) As the adoptive father of 2 girls that were molested and neglected at an early age, child abuse is one of my very few triggers.

The fact that we KNOW abusers associated with Epstein are known but protected by our federal LE infuriates me and I want to see DC get an enema. As of now, DJT seems to be the only guy willing to hold the hose and flush out some of the institutional corruption. It's not that I expect Trump to expose the Epstein client list but based on his human trafficking task force plus the enemies he has in the DOJ, I feel he's one of the only people that given the opportunity would do something.
What has he done in terms of tangible action (and not just rhetoric) to give you such confidence that he will root out institutional corruption/secrets? He said he was going to release the JFK stuff- didn’t do it. Said he would release the Area 51 type stuff - didn’t do it. He has now specifically expressed skepticism about revealing the Epstein stuff.
What has he done in terms of tangible action (and not just rhetoric) to give you such confidence that he will root out institutional corruption/secrets? He said he was going to release the JFK stuff- didn’t do it. Said he would release the Area 51 type stuff - didn’t do it. He has now specifically expressed skepticism about revealing the Epstein stuff.
I don't have great confidence he will. Hell, he may eat a bullet if he tries but I do know he issued XOs regarding human trafficking and has at least balked at the Epstein company line. What I do have complete confidence in is nobody with the power to make a difference outside of Trump seems willing to even speak about the Epstein abuses. Imo, the Epstein deal should be a wake up call to every American that our administrative state is out of control.
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What has he done in terms of tangible action (and not just rhetoric) to give you such confidence that he will root out institutional corruption/secrets? He said he was going to release the JFK stuff- didn’t do it. Said he would release the Area 51 type stuff - didn’t do it. He has now specifically expressed skepticism about revealing the Epstein stuff.
What makes you think anyone on the left would? Never hear you say anything about Biden or Kamala.
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What makes you think anyone on the left would? Never hear you say anything about Biden or Kamala.
Totally fair in this context. I think we are agreed that nobody that would actually do what we all want when it comes to these big secrets will ever get near the White House.
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