Another illegal….


Circle of Honor
May 29, 2001
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Can you imagine what they got away with down there?
Or, the “getaways” that are not being accounted for….probably in the millions.

Also thought I heard that there is only one border agent per 7K migrants, those are just crazy numbers. No reason to even have them with numbers like that.

This administration knows exactly what they are doing.
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Maya Angelou Quote GIF by LA vs. Hate
That sorry basterd needs a bullet right between the eyes! The news stated that he might get life in prison, that is way to good for his sorry, evil ass! Great idea to let the tax payers feed, clothed, & house him for life. Our criminal justice system is a joke & needs overhauling ! Liberal DA's that won't enforce the law need to be put in prison with the criminals as well!
Just doing the jobs that Americans don’t want to do.
1) Safety
2) Economy/Inflation

Probably the top 2 things most all consider the most important...I know it is for me. Biden suxs at both, he will go down in history as either the 2nd worse or the worst President ever.
1) Safety
2) Economy/Inflation

Probably the top 2 things most all consider the most important...I know it is for me. Biden suxs at both, he will go down in history as either the 2nd worse or the worst President ever.
Biden is nothing more than a figurehead president. He's not calling the shots. Don't know who is it but it isn't him
Libs are ok with open borders and the crimes that go with it as long as their guy is in charge.

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