Anti-federalists vs federalists in late 1700s,...and anti-globalists vs globalists in early 2000s


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Dec 16, 2007
From 1776 to 1992, conservatives attempted to keep power local in the states, and liberals sought national/centralist creation of a national bank, national monetary policy, national foreign policy etc...

From 1992 until now, conservatives mostly have been trying to keep power within the nation-state, while liberals have been trying to use various international apparati (WEF, IMF, blackrock,WHO, UN, Paris accords)to create a world state.

Whereas in the late 1700s Alexander Hamilton considered himself an American and not a New Yorker, George Washington considered himself a Virginian and not an American.

The globalists such as the 90 's version of Walter Cronkite and Hillary Clinton considered themselves citizens of the world and not of citizens of a nation-state (USA),.. they were burdened by a US constitution that hampered the transcendentalist concepts of a one world govt because it didn't give up sovereignty as willingly as they wanted,..whilst normal people just want to be Americans and not members of the world,...which is why Klaus Schwab came up with this concept of stakeholder capitalism in 2021 to help convince people to adopt a unified culture, religion, groupthink that transcends provincialism. using corporations as a vehicle to the world govt objective, it's an admission of defeat by other methods,...or perhaps is an admission that an absolute victory in the great struggle of spheres of sovereignty will never be decided.
From 1776 to 1992, conservatives attempted to keep power local in the states, and liberals sought national/centralist creation of a national bank, national monetary policy, national foreign policy etc...

From 1992 until now, conservatives mostly have been trying to keep power within the nation-state, while liberals have been trying to use various international apparati (WEF, IMF, blackrock,WHO, UN, Paris accords)to create a world state.

Whereas in the late 1700s Alexander Hamilton considered himself an American and not a New Yorker, George Washington considered himself a Virginian and not an American.

The globalists such as the 90 's version of Walter Cronkite and Hillary Clinton considered themselves citizens of the world and not of citizens of a nation-state (USA),.. they were burdened by a US constitution that hampered the transcendentalist concepts of a one world govt because it didn't give up sovereignty as willingly as they wanted,..whilst normal people just want to be Americans and not members of the world,...which is why Klaus Schwab came up with this concept of stakeholder capitalism in 2021 to help convince people to adopt a unified culture, religion, groupthink that transcends provincialism. using corporations as a vehicle to the world govt objective, it's an admission of defeat by other methods,...or perhaps is an admission that an absolute victory in the great struggle of spheres of sovereignty will never be decided.
It’s a recognition of the world that exists versus the one that used to exist. The pace of change is really hard to stop no matter how much we desire.
It’s a recognition of the world that exists versus the one that used to exist. The pace of change is really hard to stop no matter how much we desire.
Wins and losses on both sides,...but the overall trajectory is centralized lately...when biden created the "ministry of misinformation" in 2021, he had to abolition the department months later because of outrage from the public... without protests it would have been small victories occur on both sides,...entities that become too centralized collapsed more often over time because the wisdom of crowds usually win over the wisdoms of a soothsayer salesman

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