from a drug seeking burglar. 67 year old guy living alone and on prescription pain meds bought a self defense weapon after the apt complex was hit by burglars 5X recently and residents were injured. The burglaries were primarily based upon drug seekers looking for prescription pain meds. And lots of elderly people live there. Day later he injured a burglar in the shoulder who had came through his window in the middle of the night. Burglar was found by police hiding in the woods nearby and has been indicted on numerous charges related to the incident including injuring the old man. To add insult to injury the landlord ordered the old guy out. But unlike many elderly he is not laying down, lawyers cite the right to defend himself in a suit against the complex. This what it has come to in Maine, the anti self defense, anti gun nut cases are attacking the disabled, wheel chair bound folks who dare do so. Maybe the old guy needs to get the hell out of Maine.