Any tricks to installing a new axe handle?**

Take the ax head to the store with you to make sure they have the right cut

and size. Bought three different ones before I figured out that mine was too old. You won't enjoy trying to "make it work."
You may want to read this...........

.Do the link below: There are several other good sites with info on installing a new axe handle under google, but you already know that....................I remember my uncle soaking his overnight after whittling the handle down to a tight fit.....

This post was edited on 4/3 3:19 PM by redclayhound

Installing a new axe handle
I looked up the old axe head I found and it maybe worth to much

to use, I didn't know folks collected them.
Rat cheer....

Slowly use a rasp to take off excess wood better too little at a time. Put the head on and while holding the axe
with the grip end of the handle down on solid concrete, tap it over and over to get it to slowly slide down.
THEN drive a wedge(whether metal or hickory-up to you) in to finish.