Anybody else see the Brian Bosworth 30 for 30? ....

Modoc Joe

National Champion
Apr 1, 2015
I don't know if it's old or new but i saw it for the first time yesterday

Man, he sure is a crybaby nowadays ..... Whining about how bad his daddy treated him, etc etc
Haven't seen it, but remember him thinking he was such a badass at Oklahoma

Told some NFL teams not to draft him because he wouldn't play for them.
When he got to the NFL, he -and everyone else - saw what a puss he really was.
I see him in commercials from time to time.
What's he doing now? Celebrity boxing? Reality shows?
He was a good college player I thought ...

I don't know what he's doing now , I didn't watch it to the end ....too much crybaby stuff
the interesting thing to me that came out was his "F U" to the he took steroids provided to him by the team doctor to help his body, primarily his shoulders, heal. As hard as he hit in HS and college, his shoulders took a beating. Rather than let them heal, he just kept juicing. By Bosworth's account, when the NCAA popped him on drug test, Switzer could've gone to bat for him, because another drug test was given and Bosworth passed it. Switzer declined to take on the NCAA and benched him for the Orange Bowl...during the Orange Bowl, even though he was told not to do anything distracting, he put on a home made t shirt that read NCAA as an acronym for National Communists Against Athletes - Welcome to Russia. That was the end for him.

Now fast forward 30 years and what if Todd Gurley did something similar? OU fans completely turned there backs on Bosworth even though he was the defensive leader on those Big 8 and NC teams.

As far as the OP saying he was crying a lot...I think he regrets his own self absorbed, ego maniacal behavior and he had to explain this to his son who he has a strong relationship with.

The guy made enough money during college and his one year in the NFL that he invested wisely enough to live comfortably. He was a marketing machine.
I think he's a guy who has been genuinely humbled. I don't think he is

just self-promoting. I think his faith is sincere as well. Sure he's not a perfect guy now, probably has some issues like any of us, but everyone should be given a chance at redemption.
i got that too...he described the whole "the BOZ" thing as a tornado...

it just kept growing until it was out of even his control. He didn't know how to shut it off, but once he didn't have football, he was forced to. I do agree that he's genuinely humbled by his excessive decisions.

I did get a laugh that a company he owned actually produced the anti-BOZ tshirts that all the Denver fans bought. You figure $20 a shirt at 15000 fans with really high margins equals nice pay day.