Anybody else think Joe was set up last night?


Diehard supporter
Jan 17, 2020
Makes me wonder if the top Dem donors and strategist have been asking Joe to step down and he’s refused to this point. I’m not sure how you “prepare” for a week with 16 people in a movie set environment to replicate the debate stage and still bomb. Maybe this was the plan all along to renew enthusiasm with the base by pulling a candidate change. It will be chaos but will definitely generate excitement and interest with the media.
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Makes me wonder if the top Dem donors and strategist have been asking Joe to step down and he’s refused to this point. I’m not sure how you “prepare” for a week with 16 people in a movie set environment to replicate the debate stage and still bomb. Maybe this was the plan all along to renew enthusiasm with the base by pulling a candidate change. It will be chaos but will definitely generate excitement and interest with the media.
I don’t know. Maybe a little. I think they knew four years ago. And have been rolling along protecting him till they couldn’t anymore. Pubs and Dems just told reporters a month ago that he isn’t ok. And the Dems that be had as many as the could retract their statements. The media acted like they had no clue it was this bad. Yea sure.

Have you seen Joe last night and today. He is full on in campaign mode. Went to Waffle House last night. They are going to have to pry his cold dead hands off this nomination. He has to be there to pardon hunter.
Makes me wonder if the top Dem donors and strategist have been asking Joe to step down and he’s refused to this point. I’m not sure how you “prepare” for a week with 16 people in a movie set environment to replicate the debate stage and still bomb. Maybe this was the plan all along to renew enthusiasm with the base by pulling a candidate change. It will be chaos but will definitely generate excitement and interest with the media.
Sure looks like it. Why else have a debate before the conventions. If this debate were in September Joe and the dims are done. Now they have time to appoint another candidate. Big Mike is the only dim who would have a chance against Trump. If Hillary is the pick then you know the rig is in. She will not lose to Trump twice.
This guy wasn't well 3 yrs ago and everyone knows he hasn't been running the country. Hell, he couldn't even campaign past 2 pm in 2020. If the dems have gotten to the point where they feel like they need to sabotage a sitting Dem POTUS it's simply indicative that they believe they can feed their mushrooms crap and pretend everyone is in the dark.

They had 3 yrs to start preparing a primary challenger for Joe if he refused to bow out before the primary. Instead, they decided to roll with a severely impaired man and pretend Trump was no better.
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Makes me wonder if the top Dem donors and strategist have been asking Joe to step down and he’s refused to this point. I’m not sure how you “prepare” for a week with 16 people in a movie set environment to replicate the debate stage and still bomb. Maybe this was the plan all along to renew enthusiasm with the base by pulling a candidate change. It will be chaos but will definitely generate excitement and interest with the media.
Thought crossed my mind. Maybe they laced his adderall with shrooms or ‘cid
Makes me wonder if the top Dem donors and strategist have been asking Joe to step down and he’s refused to this point. I’m not sure how you “prepare” for a week with 16 people in a movie set environment to replicate the debate stage and still bomb. Maybe this was the plan all along to renew enthusiasm with the base by pulling a candidate change. It will be chaos but will definitely generate excitement and interest with the media.
I don’t know. Maybe a little. I think they knew four years ago. And have been rolling along protecting him till they couldn’t anymore. Pubs and Dems just told reporters a month ago that he isn’t ok. And the Dems that be had as many as the could retract their statements. The media acted like they had no clue it was this bad. Yea sure.

Have you seen Joe last night and today. He is full on in campaign mode. Went to Waffle House last night. They are going to have to pry his cold dead hands off this nomination. He has to be there to pardon hunter.
I place a lot of blame on Jill.
Been married 41 years. There is no way in hell my wife would have let me face the American people and the world for that matter in that mental shape. Starting to think Jill may be just as power hungry.
Heck, after what I saw last night, just tell Biden he lost and it's over. Not sure he would even know.......sad
I place a lot of blame on Jill.
Been married 41 years. There is no way in hell my wife would have let me face the American people and the world for that matter in that mental shape. Starting to think Jill may be just as power hungry.
Heck, after what I saw last night, just tell Biden he lost and it's over. Not sure he would even know.......sad

Have you seen this above from last night? You are spot on.

He has said today he isn’t going anywhere. He has a lot of folks by the balls over there. Michelle isn’t running because she wouldn’t do it to Joe or Jill. Hillary has expressed the same thing

Whitmer seems to be the screaming choice, but no way you put a white woman in over Kamala. That would go over like a brick. Same with newsome. Who said last night he is rolling with Biden. What Democrat would want to commit possible career suicide? You have to run off Biden’s policies. The only chance you have is trumps trainwreck issues, but after this coverup, how do you believe one word from anyone on the left my friend. It is a sad deal. What family member puts you out there to embarrass yourself like that. The media. His family. The dnc. All should be ashamed of themselves.
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I place a lot of blame on Jill.
Been married 41 years. There is no way in hell my wife would have let me face the American people and the world for that matter in that mental shape. Starting to think Jill may be just as power hungry.
Heck, after what I saw last night, just tell Biden he lost and it's over. Not sure he would even know.......sad
The lust for power is a problem as old as time. My guess is your wife loves you and doesn't consider you to be her meal ticket as much as she considers you to be her partner. If you objectively look at the Bidens (and Clintons for that matter) Their families and friends seem more concerned with what power can do for them more so than having a traditional loving relationships and will try to cling to that power regardless of the optics or even cruelty.
The lust for power is a problem as old as time. My guess is your wife loves you and doesn't consider you to be her meal ticket as much as she considers you to be her partner. If you objectively look at the Bidens (and Clintons for that matter) Their families and friends seem more concerned with what power can do for them more so than having a traditional loving relationships and will try to cling to that power regardless of the optics or even cruelty.
That is a great point. Especially when you look at the Clintons. There is as little love in that marriage as you will ever see.

Have you seen this above from last night? You are spot on.

He has said today he isn’t going anywhere. He has a lot of folks by the balls over there. Michelle isn’t running because she wouldn’t do it to Joe or Jill. Hillary has expressed the same thing

Whitmer seems to be the screaming choice, but no way you put a white woman in over Kamala. That would go over like a brick. Same with newsome. Who said last night he is rolling with Biden. What Democrat would want to commit possible career suicide? You have to run off Biden’s policies. The only chance you have is trumps trainwreck issues, but after this coverup, how do you believe one word from anyone on the left my friend. It is a sad deal. What family member puts you out there to embarrass yourself like that. The media. His family. The dnc. All should be ashamed of themselves.
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I don’t know. Maybe a little. I think they knew four years ago. And have been rolling along protecting him till they couldn’t anymore. Pubs and Dems just told reporters a month ago that he isn’t ok. And the Dems that be had as many as the could retract their statements. The media acted like they had no clue it was this bad. Yea sure.

Have you seen Joe last night and today. He is full on in campaign mode. Went to Waffle House last night. They are going to have to pry his cold dead hands off this nomination. He has to be there to pardon hunter.
Right on, I don’t think he will step down.
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