Anyone besides me believing the shooting in Mo. was

Re: 1st thing crossed my mind.**

First of all, look at the shots. Interesting to know what type of rifle was used, and a sniper shot to wound rather than kill. That was no pistol.
I don't believe it was a government deal . I mean really

Your pretty dang crazy . That was no hang gun I would agree with you : I hope your not a gun owner being this crazy . Wow .

There really no words . I guess you go to tell me the atf did this so they can ban AR ammo . Holy crap you and tee are crazy .

Tee are we going have to talk again ?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Todd, you're probably correct that I'm crazy...why would I

be on the Chats. I'm thinking DOJ. Look at their agenda and their promotion of racism. But, I've been wrong before. On the other hand, TEE is smart.
I don't believe it for a second , however I do

believe the DOJ did a injustice in looking for something . But to be fair I don't know what they know on how that department was run .

You have to balance the right to know to what smart . Something was going to happen regardless what happen .

Are there bad cops , yes . Just like there bad preachers . I believe someone saw a chance to even te score and they took it .

There already been 22 officers killed in the line of duty this year . We have problems in this country and everyone wants to point fingers and raise Cain :

I don't believe our government would take part in such a act .
Posted from Rivals Mobile
our gubmint couldn't possibly act in a way to promote an

Agenda. I bet you think lyndon Johnson and Robert macnamara told congress the whole truth about the Gulf of tonkin.
I guess I'm a dumbass, but what are the implications? Looks...

to me like the DOJ looks like fools because they've taken the side of a pack of lawless bastards who would shoot cops who were just standing there.

It makes it look to me like they have incited violence.

What are the obvious implications? Not being smartass here, guess i am missing it.
Re: I guess I'm a dumbass, but what are the implications? Looks...

More fodder for gun control, perhaps martial law, more divisiveness of the people, and directing attention away from the important issues we face just to name a few. But, I've been wrong before......................
You know, sometimes a low-life crazy, sociopathic, sorry, son of a bitch with a pistol is just that. Nothing more. Just a sorry murderous SOB.
Re: I guess I'm a dumbass, but what are the implications? Looks...

Also more fodder for African American control, which I would not think they would want.
Maybe it was a rifle. I don't know, but the guy with the shoulder wound...

was treated and released. Might have been a .22, I guess. I can assure you, if it was a .223 or larger it is unlikely he would be out of the hospital. Unless it just grazed him, I guess.

Why does this have to be a government conspiracy? Why not just a sorry bastard?
listening to fox news...

They said something like the shot came from 125 yards.... no way with a pistol..... they said a pistol round was used. maybe luck shot once but not twice... glad both officers are alive.... but no way from a pistol..

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