Anyone tried 1 of these?

Have not tried one, but have several red dots. That one looks good for the money. Also see in the comments where a guy with a 45-70 was unable to kill one, which is good.

The Bushnell TRS-25 is 97.99 at Optics Planet, so might take a look at that one. It also comes with an integrated Picatinney/Weaver rail mount. It's listed as "Best Rated" on Optics Planet, which is a very good place to buy, BTW.
My reading vision is bad, so I can't focus well on iron sights,...

either rifle or pistol, just can't get both sights and the target in focus. So while I'm dicking around trying to see something, I'd get perforated. Red dots or lasers are the solution for me on almost all my long and short guns. On an AR, it's pretty easy to print 4" groups or so at 50 yards and very easy to get minute-of-torso at 100. Anything closer and a red dot is a killing machine.

There is nothing quicker at target acquisition than a 1 power red dot.

This post was edited on 3/28 12:17 PM by deadduckdawg
Same here, Thank goodness it doesn't effect shotgun shooting.**