Apple and the San Bernadino killers phone


Letterman and National Champion
Nov 13, 2008
What says the chat? Should Apple be forced to "open" the phone? I say for national security purposes, yes, but understand that it could open up a whole new area of privacy issues with the Fed. government.
I agree with you but the real reason is unlike android and open os systems. Apple can't make a software that can do that.
There is no majic password. What they could do is jailbreak the iPhone and install a app that can get all the info.
Know if it was a android iPhone then yea they could hack it.
They want apple to install a operating system that has a back dore witch inits self is impossible
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Apple should have helped anyone. I understand privacy, but when we know who a terrorist is, the company in question should help. I also have a hard to believing that the NSA, CIA, or whatever couldn't hack their phone without Apple's help.
What says the chat? Should Apple be forced to "open" the phone? I say for national security purposes, yes, but understand that it could open up a whole new area of privacy issues with the Fed. government.

Apple should be forced to. Not only will their "back door" access open up all I-Phone users to be hacked at some point (welcome to the real world), it will open up all other terrorists or criminals to be opened up to be hacked by government/military law enforcement agencies. To get the bad guys, you have to expose the populace/community/citizens up to a point. Up to now, the biggest problem for law enforcement's battle against the criminal element has been community's resistance to or feat of helping law enforcement by pointing out or making available information that leads to convictions. Same with mafia type organizations, Asian gangs, city gangs otherwise and religious/cultural/ethnic sects that refuse to rat on their own kind, regardless of how heinous they are. Screw the bad guys. Do what it takes.
Apple should have helped anyone. I understand privacy, but when we know who a terrorist is, the company in question should help. I also have a hard to believing that the NSA, CIA, or whatever couldn't hack their phone without Apple's help.
That's the funny part they can't Apple would have to literally scratch the os platform.