Are there any other sporting events which you would consider a


Circle of Honor
Aug 9, 2004
"blessing" to attend? The Masters, because of its stature and its exclusivity is almost on its own plane.
Cricket rivalry between India and Pakistan

use to know a girl who would get up at 0300hrs to watch cricket. i developed a fondness for the game and her.
The Redneck games in Dublin/Laurens County................

but they were abandoned a few years ago because the name "Redneck Games" was considered an embarrassment to the great State of Georgia.......................
For me, the women's final four when we played in Charlotte in 96 was

wonderful. Well, the semifinal game beating Stanford was perfection. The final on Sunday was a crasher.

I know, I know guys on here don't GARA.
LOL, I saw the pictures once. I loved the 5 years I lived there

but East Dublin is world class redneck.
Well...not entirely. In addition to being able to go to the Masters for

all those years, I feel blessed to have been in the Superdome to witness UGA beating Notre Dame. Also attended the Opening Ceremony of the 96 Olympic Games. Just a couple more examples...
This post was edited on 4/9 1:56 PM by Dawg4sure
Ali / Frazier fight (1)..but probably too young & definitely too poor 2...

Get there.
Gallery doesn't look too exclusive anymore - LOL ...

Folks can rag Roy Dawg below all they want, but it looks like they are letting anybody in these DAZE.
No contest. I've never been to the Masters, and don't care if I never do..

...of course, I don't play golf. Maybe watching people play golf would be more appealing if I played golf.

-- 00 Dawg
This post was edited on 4/9 2:02 PM by UGADawgGuy
Y'all had one cute girl iirc, Meadows I think***


This post was edited on 4/9 2:05 PM by Ty TyDawg
Dublin is a nice place to live....I-16 and the 4 laning of US 441....

have done wonders for Dublin's economy.........East Dublin is a blue collar town across the river, but unfortunately the mills there have all but closed their doors.........
Been to both multiple times - prefer both on TV now ...

I guess I'd say WLOCP, especially if referring to the pre-Alltel days. I loved the old dumpy Gator BOWL.
I still have a good many friends there

Phil Thacker, James and Linda Garner, Jim Kibler and JD Brown.
I like old dump stadiums and gyms - Hell, I like the Steg *

I wouldn't mind the city of Athens building a nice little small arena ..

over by the trade center with a lot of bells and whistles so we could get some cool concerts and events, but I don't want the Steg gone.
Same here - you would have loved the UK game ...

For the first night in 10 yrs, it felt like the Harrick DAZE again. That place can ROCK as hard as any arena in the country when the crowd is motivated and the team is half decent. Florida game in 2002 was a little better, though. That was the best I ever saw it. And 2 days later we self demolished the program for over a decade. The Georgia Way.
Biased because I'm a Life Long, but if you're a baseball fan............

Cubs Park is a requirement. No finer place to watch a game and grab a cold one. The bleachers in right are just nuts, something goofy always going on.
Got to see, several years running the formula racing and big

Porsche racing at the Bahrain track. Amazing those engines and the brakes. Love that sound.
Game 7, World Series...............**

Lucky Bastige! I'd kill to be at Monza with Ferrari in contention. 2015

could be special if the red cars improve just a little.

This post was edited on 4/9 3:04 PM by RoyDawgMercer
Spa is F'ing awesome, checked that one off the bucket list several

years ago. Any WWII buff would love the history of that area as well. USA is most appreciated there.

This post was edited on 4/9 3:20 PM by dawglogic
Had the chance to go to Final Day with my boss back in 98

could give a fly fock so I took my kids fishing for the day.

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