occupy wall street started in 2011 and now in 2015 we have a " social justice " movement starting . surly this would not have anything to do with ELECTIONS . no way they would rile up the 13% , right !
occupy wall street started in 2011 and now in 2015 we have a " social justice " movement starting . surly this would not have anything to do with ELECTIONS . no way they would rile up the 13% , right !
The trouble with that theory is the ''social justice'' movement would only excite blacks, and they would have voted for the democrat anyway.
The timing of this has everything to do with the high profile police shootings and likely nothing to do with the election cycle.
You guys are like paranoid old widows who live alone.
In the coming year it will only get worse. As the Dems/Progressives/Socialist realize they need their base motivated to turn out the vote they will agitate to conflict. This will be the worst year on record for social divisive issues. It will peak late summer as their efforts become desperate.
Nobody pushed divisive social issues like Karl Rove did. In fairness nobody in politics is above playing those cards.
This movement clearly is organic, but of course some dems will milk it, it won't have that much affect though. At most it will bring out a percent or 2 more young black voters.
What are you talking about? Karl Rove can ESAD for all I care.
Dems will milk it while exploiting these naive college students in the process. Social Justice, Inequality, Xenophobia, War on women, Gay Rights, blah blah blah. Seen it all before. Will see it again. All the Progressives have; agitate to the point of conflict. They can't win on their ideas so fire up the base any way possible. Groundhog Day all over again.
The trouble with that theory is the ''social justice'' movement would only excite blacks, and they would have voted for the democrat anyway.
The timing of this has everything to do with the high profile police shootings and likely nothing to do with the election cycle.
You guys are like paranoid old widows who live alone.
Thank you Mrs. Clinton. At least we understand the motive now.......
You listed some issues that are important to a lot of people and Republicans choose to oppose them. That makes them genuine political issues that don't need any false drumming up.
The way your mind is owned is through your ideological prism. It doesn't allow you to look at facts, like how Wall St firms own our government financial policies.
Thank you Mrs. Clinton. At least we understand the motive now.......
Duh, homer. Tell us something we don't know, how bout it.. But, you think for one second you or I can change that fact? You think your boy Obama can or will change that fact? Your ideological naive prism lets you think you can do something about it. Mine allows me to roll with it and capitalize on it. As I've done very successfully, I might add. Good luck on your attempt to change the rules. I truly wish you well.
No I don't think you or I can change the wholesale pillage, but you really don't seem to want to.
You and many others are so focused on ''welfare cheats'' and other bit players you give the big thieves a pass.
Worse you oppose any and all attempts to counter these manipulations on ideological grounds.
We have no grassroots strength, we're dupes.
Look peeps, I really believe in the things I advocate, but my language has been more harsh than usual of late. Maybe because a neck surgery from 10 years ago has transferred stress and another disk has gone bad and the pain/discomfort is hardly any fun.
I don't really dislike anybody here..well maybe one guy, but it's mostly frustration because we're too divided as a people to make any real improvements in our country, it's a damn shame.
I'm signing off to go to diner, later all.
The trouble with that theory is the ''social justice'' movement would only excite blacks, and they would have voted for the democrat anyway.
The timing of this has everything to do with the high profile police shootings and likely nothing to do with the election cycle.
You guys are like paranoid old widows who live alone.
The best message my father gave me was that "No one owes you a damn thing, not me,not your mother. If you want something you have to go out and work for it."
It's to bad these Children today do not understand that concept. It is downright embarrassing that today's young people think society or "Rich people" owe their savings to these misguided youth.
Heulen I would like to have a skybox will you contribute your money for me to have that? It is the kind thing to do.
The government or Big brother is part of what is causing the separation of haves and have nots. This is the first time in American history the upcoming generation does not have the opportunity to achieve more than the generation before them.You act as if we're in some new age where the poor rich are being soaked by the greedy poor. Nothing could be further from the truth. We're in unprecedented territory, but the opposite of what you and many others portray it to be.
The facts are clear. We have become a nation set up to shelter the very wealthy, while it becomes harder every year for the average person to move up.
Statistics, laws and attitudes couldn't be more clear, you and those who share your view have been duped, and it's slowly devolving this nation into a backwater banana republic.
The government or Big brother is part of what is causing the separation of haves and have nots. This is the first time in American history the upcoming generation does not have the opportunity to achieve more than the generation before them.
The washington insiders are certainly getting much more wealthy than the white and blue collar workers in the rest of the nation. We have in fact been duped by the federal government and their promises to "redistribute the wealth" to take from the earners and give to the takers (who demand they be given a living for no reason, other than laziness and greed.
Two things keep ppl from moving up. Liberal policies....and mostly themselves .not this excuse bullshit you just postedYou act as if we're in some new age where the poor rich are being soaked by the greedy poor. Nothing could be further from the truth. We're in unprecedented territory, but the opposite of what you and many others portray it to be.
The facts are clear. We have become a nation set up to shelter the very wealthy, while it becomes harder every year for the average person to move up.
Statistics, laws and attitudes couldn't be more clear, you and those who share your view have been duped, and it's slowly devolving this nation into a backwater banana republic.
Two things keep ppl from moving up. Liberal policies....and mostly themselves .not this excuse bullshit you just posted
You were included in My comments, unless you're very rich, which you're not. You're too gummed up with bad ideology to even comprehend what you read.
You are in fact correct that not dealing with the facts is in your wheelhouse.We both see the problem, we disagree on the causes..to put it mildly.
I just don't see how you can look at the income/wealth disparity and conclude it's caused by those on the bad end of the spectrum
As I pointed out and you acknowledge, your views are largely based on ideological thinking, not facts.
You are correct you are not getting the facts because your ideology keeps getting in the way. Your camp is the group that constantly ignores the facts when it is convenient for your argument. The fact is the increase of wealth disparity has increased in distance from the public sector (government) and the private sector. The government employees have under obama been given large compensation and benefits packages that were not there in the past due to the stability and time off government jobs provided. The private sector is faced with overburden of regulations, taxes and obamacare that have crippled the small business model. There are facts you can take to the bank. I have never envied or held a rich person in contempt. Hell they for the most part busted their tails and worked their butts off to become successful. The ones who chose to do drugs, study ancient lit or applied textile methods form the middle ages are there because of stupid decisions. what can you do with degrees such as those and their kind? Just some examples, sibling is one on the ruining life with drugs, and now a government titty baby. What a waste of a great mind at one time. I live in the real world where your choices have ramifications, good or bad. The world will not slow down and mourn for you or me when we stumble, we have to work harder to overcome our mistakes and learn from them. Many on the left continue to make the same mistakes and expect me or others that work their tails off to pick up the bill. I am more than happy to help those that help themselves, but do not ever tell me I owe someone anything other than compassion. Sometimes the compassion is not warranted either. Sorry for the book, but this is from the heart and mind.We both see the problem, we disagree on the causes..to put it mildly.
I just don't see how you can look at the income/wealth disparity and conclude it's caused by those on the bad end of the spectrum
As I pointed out and you acknowledge, your views are largely based on ideological thinking, not facts.
We both see the problem, we disagree on the causes..to put it mildly.
I just don't see how you can look at the income/wealth disparity and conclude it's caused by those on the bad end of the spectrum
As I pointed out and you acknowledge, your views are largely based on ideological thinking, not facts.
Milton is way over his head......I'm betting he watched that video looking like a dog when he heard a high pitched noiseArmed with the knowledge that the wealthiest districts in the nation are in and around the DC area and folks like Gore and the Clintons are accumulating massive fortunes without producing goods and or services that people actually buy, please tell me HOW ON EARTH do you trust government to control the money and the guns and make sure everyone is equal. Politicians are as greedy and pursue their self interest as much as any Wall Street banker HOWEVER, I'm not forced into a relationship with a banker if I don't trust them. Only a politician can FORCE me to wildly overpay for a crappy catastrophic health plan and present it as a health care program.
I've linked a little video and would like your response. Who are these angels.