Article in WSJ today about the Chinese effort to use AI


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
Jun 30, 2001
to influence our 2024 election. Taiwan had an election recently and it was flooded with AI-generated news anchors saying controversial things, fake audio clips of one candidate interrupting another rudely, fake images claiming that the existing gov’t had done damage to the country, etc.

The majority of these were posted on X/ Twitter so, if you use that platform, please be TRIPLE sure that what are are reading is real.

This, coupled with Russia’s social media campaigns means a lot of voters of either party are ingesting information that is made up.

They caught the Chinese trying to blame a Kentucky train derailment on our own government. Fake accounts posted conspiracy theories that our own government set the Hawaii wildfires, etc.

Some of the stuff I read on here is so obviously foreign propaganda and people will believe it.

Please think before you share. And get off social media in general.
It would be nice if we could believe our own government as well. Of course the Russians and Chicoms will try to exacerbate divisions in this country and when the U.S. government is willing to censor and gaslight the citizenry, it makes the bad actor's job a lot easier.

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