As a LE officer I for expanding background checks for gun sales and buyers


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jan 24, 2008
I think it's important to make sure who is who and their past . I mean no asking anyone to take I love my momma test to see they're mentally capable. Although some wants us to go there :

Extra time would have found the charges against the Charleston shooter . It hadn't been loaded in the system.

Would it stop every nut from buying a gun ? No but if it stops a few then it's worth it .
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If I could give that post 2 thumbs up, I'd do so.
None of it will matter unless EVERY legal gun sale is put through the same scrutiny though.
If I could give that post 2 thumbs up, I'd do so.
None of it will matter unless EVERY legal gun sale is put through the same scrutiny though.

The problem is not every state the same in background checks . There no unified standard and there different protection for mentally ill( I know this couple wasn't mentally ill ) but there no set standard .

In Alabama you don't even have to register the fire arm . That should change as well . With expanding background you not going to stop everything but you may break the cycle.
The problem is not every state the same in background checks . There no unified standard and there different protection for mentally ill( I know this couple wasn't mentally ill ) but there no set standard .

In Alabama you don't even have to register the fire arm . That should change as well . With expanding background you not going to stop everything but you may break the cycle.

The biggest problem by far are the loopholes. None of the other measures amount to anything when it's easy AND legal to bypass them altogether.
I agree every weapon should be registered to it's current owner, regardless of what state you live in. It should be just as tight as vehicle registration.
Yes I think when you go to get your vehicle registration, you should report your gun and should be able to get a CCW . Also, believe if you're turn down for any reason you may have the right to state your case and know why you got rejected and state your case to the judg and request a hearing within 30 days . In extreme case you may as for a jury to decide.

This isn't going to hurt anyone . When your driving license expires so does your background check . Any change in background then you maybe flag .
Yes I think when you go to get your vehicle registration, you should report your gun and should be able to get a CCW . Also, believe if you're turn down for any reason you may have the right to state your case and know why you got rejected and state your case to the judg and request a hearing within 30 days . In extreme case you may as for a jury to decide.

This isn't going to hurt anyone . When your driving license expires so does your background check . Any change in background then you maybe flag .

It hadn't occurred to Me to actually tie gun registration to vehicle registration or drivers' licensing, but it would be one approach to consider.
The important thing would be the end result, the method would be a matter of the most practical path.
The problem is form 4473. It creates a back door registration. No thanks.
How it is now and strictly talking about Alabama there no duty to tell the officer you carrying : some people when pull over will say hey I have a CCW and I have it on me . Otherwise I have no damn clue .
I think it's important to make sure who is who and their past . I mean no asking anyone to take I love my momma test to see they're mentally capable. Although some wants us to go there :

Extra time would have found the charges against the Charleston shooter . It hadn't been loaded in the system.

Would it stop every nut from buying a gun ? No but if it stops a few then it's worth it .

It is my understanding that the mental records are not included in the FBI background check because of the HIPPA laws will not allow it. This has to be changed and if I am not mistaken the NRA agrees that mental records should be included in the background check.

The problem is not every state the same in background checks . There no unified standard and there different protection for mentally ill( I know this couple wasn't mentally ill ) but there no set standard .

In Alabama you don't even have to register the fire arm . That should change as well . With expanding background you not going to stop everything but you may break the cycle.

Every FFL dealer has to contact the FBI to do a background check regardless as to what state they do business in; it is a Federal law. The only exception to this is if the gun buyer has a Concealed Carry License; in this case no Federal background check is required because this is done already, along with finger printing when applying for a CCL. There is a lot of disinformation out there as to the current laws and I believe this disinformation is being used to pass gun confiscation laws. For example, the No Fly List deal the president brought up, that sounded like a reasonable idea until you realize nobody knows how you get on the list or how you get off it and who decides. I could just see every member of the NRA suddenly appearing on the No Fly List.

People need to wake up!
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Isn't it only a problem if you don't want your guns registered ?

It is my understanding that the mental records are not included in the FBI background check because of the HIPPA laws will not allow it. This has to be changed and if I am not mistaken the NRA agrees that mental records should be included in the background check.

Every FFL dealer has to contact the FBI to do a background check regardless as to what state they do business in; it is a Federal law. The only exception to this is if the gun buyer has a Concealed Carry License; in this case no Federal background check is required because this is done already, along with finger printing when applying for a CCL. There is a lot of disinformation out there as to the current laws and I believe this disinformation is being used to pass gun confiscation laws. For example, the No Fly List deal the president brought up, that sounded like a reasonable idea until you realize nobody knows how you get on the list or how you get off it and who decides. I could just see every member of the NRA suddenly appearing on the No Fly List.

People need to wake up!

Correct. The issue is due process. You can't take away a right without due process.
Yes. Exactly. Registration is the enemy of law abiding gun owners. You can't have confiscation without first registration.

Nothing personal, but it pisses me off that a small minority and The NRA keep rational gun laws from being passed.
It is my understanding that the mental records are not included in the FBI background check because of the HIPPA laws will not allow it. This has to be changed and if I am not mistaken the NRA agrees that mental records should be included in the background check.

Every FFL dealer has to contact the FBI to do a background check regardless as to what state they do business in; it is a Federal law. The only exception to this is if the gun buyer has a Concealed Carry License; in this case no Federal background check is required because this is done already, along with finger printing when applying for a CCL. There is a lot of disinformation out there as to the current laws and I believe this disinformation is being used to pass gun confiscation laws. For example, the No Fly List deal the president brought up, that sounded like a reasonable idea until you realize nobody knows how you get on the list or how you get off it and who decides. I could just see every member of the NRA suddenly appearing on the No Fly List.

People need to wake up!

People need common sense.
None of those things are worth a damn because anybody can buy all the guns they can haul from non-licensed individuals. All it takes is a trade paper, or online trade.
As long as these loopholes are open the rest of these debates are useless.
People need common sense.
None of those things are worth a damn because anybody can buy all the guns they can haul from non-licensed individuals. All it takes is a trade paper, or online trade.
As long as these loopholes are open the rest of these debates are useless.

Yes, an individual can sell their firearm to another individual without a background check no matter online or to your next door neighbor. All this talk of gun laws and no discussion of the terrorist or the loony tunes that get a gun and kill people. It's just like the liberal mindset to take the rights of the majority in order to solve a problem that does not apply to 99.9% of gun owners. You sir would obviously hand over your rights and this country sovereignty to satisfy your do good desires and then wonder why you are being lined up and shot by a socialist or Islamic firing squad. You would probably cry out "but you shouldn't have guns" right before the shots ring out. How about let's do something about the cars that kill so many people, how about alcohol, prescription drugs (but I am sure marijuana is ok), fatty food, the dreaded sugary drinks.....when does it stop?
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Yes, an individual can sell their firearm to another individual without a background check no matter online or to your next door neighbor. All this talk of gun laws and no discussion of the terrorist or the loony tunes that get a gun and kill people. It's just like the liberal mindset to take the rights of the majority in order to solve a problem that does not apply to 99.9% of gun owners. You sir would obviously hand over your rights and this country sovereignty to satisfy your do good desires and then wonder why you are being lined up and shot by a socialist or Islamic firing squad. You would probably cry out "but you shouldn't have guns" right before the shots ring out. How about let's do something about the cars that kill so many people, how about alcohol, prescription drugs (but I am sure marijuana is ok), fatty food, the dreaded sugary drinks.....when does it stop?

That is the sort of nonsensical conflation that throws common sense out the window.
We can target terrorist AND have rational gun laws. Stop hiding behind the conservative banner, Most republicans want to close the loopholes, it's just the NRA nutbags and cowardly politicians stopping reform,
That is the sort of nonsensical conflation that throws common sense out the window.
We can target terrorist AND have rational gun laws. Stop hiding behind the conservative banner, Most republicans want to close the loopholes, it's just the NRA nutbags and cowardly politicians stopping reform,

I already said that my understanding is that the NRA is behind allowing for the mental health records to be apart of the background check and apparently that is not good enough for you. Obviously you want to prevent all guns from being bought and sold between individuals in this country. That is nonsensical; there are an estimated 270 million guns in America and you and your liberal buddies seem to think the all powerful government should regulate the sale or transfer of this many guns between individuals. Maybe you are nuts! There is no way that the government can do this; hell they can't hire Homeland Security personnel without hiring terrorists. That's my issue; you seem to think the problem of idiots getting guns is a gun problem. How did the toughest gun laws in the world help those poor people in Paris? The only thing more government laws do is create red tape for law abiding citizens. You are falling into the trap that Obama wants you to fall into and one day you will wonder what happened to your country. Unfortunately for you it might take a while.
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I already said that my understanding is that the NRA is behind allowing for the mental health records to be apart of the background check and apparently that is not good enough for you. Obviously you want to prevent all guns from being bought and sold between individuals in this country. That is nonsensical; there are an estimated 270 million guns in America and you and your liberal buddies seem to think the all powerful government should regulate the sale or transfer of this many guns between individuals. Maybe you are nuts! There is no way that the government can do this; hell they can't hire Homeland Security personnel without hiring terrorists. That's my issue; you seem to think the problem of idiots getting guns is a gun problem. How did the toughest gun laws in the world help those poor people in Paris? The only thing more government laws do is create red tape for law abiding citizens. You are falling into the trap that Obama wants you to fall into and one day you will wonder what happened to your country. Unfortunately for you it might take a while.

Polls consistently show 90% of Americans are for universal background checks/closing loopholes on private gun sales.
What You mention means absolutely nothing when criminals and mentally ill people can easily get around them by going through private owners.
90% of Americans do not fully understand the ramifications of what they are being polled upon. Hell, 90% of Americans don't know who their US Senator is. If properly explained, most people likely would not agree with the massive government invasion into the personal lives of gun owners and potential buyers. Let's say you have your way and a law is passed requiring all private gun sales and transfers to be given government approval; would that have stopped the Charleston shooter? How about the San Bernardino shooter? Did that stop the Paris shooter? The answer is NO...the only thing this accomplishes is making you feel good. I hate to break it to you but bad people are going to do bad things and are not going to bother to get government approval in order to buy a gun to do so. So, keep beating your chest and making everybody think you care more than anyone else and keep thinking passing laws is the answer to all humanities problems. Bless your heart.
90% of Americans do not fully understand the ramifications of what they are being polled upon. Hell, 90% of Americans don't know who their US Senator is. If properly explained, most people likely would not agree with the massive government invasion into the personal lives of gun owners and potential buyers. Let's say you have your way and a law is passed requiring all private gun sales and transfers to be given government approval; would that have stopped the Charleston shooter? How about the San Bernardino shooter? Did that stop the Paris shooter? The answer is NO...the only thing this accomplishes is making you feel good. I hate to break it to you but bad people are going to do bad things and are not going to bother to get government approval in order to buy a gun to do so. So, keep beating your chest and making everybody think you care more than anyone else and keep thinking passing laws is the answer to all humanities problems. Bless your heart.

I'm betting those 90% understand better than you do.
It's a disgrace our Congress bows to pressure from such a small minority of the radical right.
It's a disgrace we have a small number of socialists in this country that in conjunction with their socialist media buddies want to drive an agenda that include taking guns from the people, allowing illegals to stream across our borders, give them government aid, lie about the current economic statistics, hand what our hero military men fought for back to the terrorists in Iraq and fly in the radical Muslims so they can one day declare Sharia law. I guess you like all that; but I for one do not and I am sure as hell not the minority.
It's a disgrace we have a small number of socialists in this country that in conjunction with their socialist media buddies want to drive an agenda that include taking guns from the people, allowing illegals to stream across our borders, give them government aid, lie about the current economic statistics, hand what our hero military men fought for back to the terrorists in Iraq and fly in the radical Muslims so they can one day declare Sharia law. I guess you like all that; but I for one do not and I am sure as hell not the minority.

Is it your contention 90% of Americans are socialist ? That would put you a mile to the loony right of Senator McCarthy and his merry band of rabble rousing liars..
Just like a liberal/socialist to distort the truth of what one is saying and then site a poll that was taken in New York of 100 Democrat non registered voters to prove his madness is supported universally.
Just like a liberal/socialist to distort the truth of what one is saying and then site a poll that was taken in New York of 100 Democrat non registered voters to prove his madness is supported universally.

I haven't distorted the truth one bit, but You've sure made a big effort to do so.
You, as most like you do, have conflated everything short of Stalin's purges with this single common sense issue which is supported by over 90% of Americans.
You rant about everything You don't like as if you view them as the same thing, that is seriously close to being delusional.
Just keep telling yourself that; I am okay with your fantasy land way of thinking as long as you don't "Tread on Me" but that is really the problem isn't it.
Just keep telling yourself that; I am okay with your fantasy land way of thinking as long as you don't "Tread on Me" but that is really the problem isn't it.

No, the problem is a small minority of paranoids holding the nation hostage with the help of a cowardly Congress.
If I could give that post 2 thumbs up, I'd do so.
None of it will matter unless EVERY legal gun sale is put through the same scrutiny though.

And yet it still won't matter. If the sales aren't legal they would be illegal. France has extremely strict gun laws. The Paris attackers perpetrated their violence with illegal weapons by French law. The existence of the laws meant nothing.

There are no simple elegant solutions. Congress could pass exactly what you suggest (and they may pass every one of those items at some point) and it won't stop anything. Evil will always find a way.
It is my understanding that the mental records are not included in the FBI background check because of the HIPPA laws will not allow it. This has to be changed and if I am not mistaken the NRA agrees that mental records should be included in the background check.

Every FFL dealer has to contact the FBI to do a background check regardless as to what state they do business in; it is a Federal law. The only exception to this is if the gun buyer has a Concealed Carry License; in this case no Federal background check is required because this is done already, along with finger printing when applying for a CCL. There is a lot of disinformation out there as to the current laws and I believe this disinformation is being used to pass gun confiscation laws. For example, the No Fly List deal the president brought up, that sounded like a reasonable idea until you realize nobody knows how you get on the list or how you get off it and who decides. I could just see every member of the NRA suddenly appearing on the No Fly List.

People need to wake up!

I very much aware how it works but states do have different acceptable offense .
And yet it still won't matter. If the sales aren't legal they would be illegal. France has extremely strict gun laws. The Paris attackers perpetrated their violence with illegal weapons by French law. The existence of the laws meant nothing.

There are no simple elegant solutions. Congress could pass exactly what you suggest (and they may pass every one of those items at some point) and it won't stop anything. Evil will always find a way.

France has a small fraction of the gun violence We have. The attacks in Paris were more the exception proving the rule.
We can lower the rates of gun violence with common sense measures that are stridently enforced in EVERY state and EVERY town in this Country.