Is that Konservativ math? How can you be 2-10 over the past 10 games?
In same way and in the same spirit you can:
(1) Make our country safer by admitting and increasing the size of the potential pool of Muslim terrorists
(2) Increase our surveillance capability by choosing a person to head the effort who is a committed member of the primary group from which our enemies arise and who says the causation of extremism from those enemies is due to CLIMATE CHANGE
(3) Fix our economic woes by going on an insane spending spree, increasing the huge national debt by about as much as all previous presidents combined. Slinging money at whimsical and phantom start-ups who promptly take the money and run. Bankrupting the cleanest in the world and getting cleaner coal industries and one of the most important real energy sources known to mankind. Declaring an open economic war against the same group of Americans who built the economy and separated this country from all others.....the middle class. Spit in the face of labor with refusal to build the pipeline. Increase the gap in income by an insane amount with back door Wall Street back scratching and an economy so fragile it is propped up with close to 0% for AN ENTIRE TWO TERMS! Shrink the work force by an incredible amount and make part time work a part of our American dream (who knew a person with a PHD could find happiness delivering flowers)
(4) Single handedly get a strong leg up on destroying the finest health care system in the world to fix the health care system. When the obvious path was a direct and honest approach instead of using the whacko left's wet dream of the largest stealth tax increase in history, uprooting said system and at the end of the day, not addressing cost, effect, and the economics. Leaving a cratering abomination
(5) Bring people together by spreading hate along race, sex, class, sexual preference and political party lines. Using the WH bully pulpit for blogging such hate on a daily basis.
(6) Protect the American people by imperiling our national interests with a blame America first tour, encouraging our sworn enemies to rise up and revolt
(7) SAVE the village by BURNING the village in it's purest form
Like most everyone else, I and my math has been affected by fundamental change. People in all 57 states (that's some whacko left math for you) are having trouble keeping up here but I'm trying. In the old days that would have been 2-10 in last 12 SEC games but in the interest of celebrating diversity of thought let's call it 10