Bangladeshi regime change by the national endowment for democracy


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Dec 16, 2007

Last month, the USA engineered a regime change in Bangladesh through the NED, which is an organization that funds protests in foreign countries within foreign universities, attempts to influence foreign media, and foreign intellectuals.

The goal specifically with bangladesh is to set up a future military base on Saint Martin Island off of the southern coast of Bangladesh, and to create a regime that facilitates such an endeavor.

The British picked up the prime minister of Bangladesh and took her away in a c130 with promises of asylum in the UK, but then landed in India and dropped her off there. The new military appointed bangladesh pm, Mohammed yunuk, who is a guy with very friendly terms with Bill Clinton, Obama,..and a predatory loan shark that innovated "micro loans" in Bangladesh in which he loaned extremely small amounts of money with 20 percent interest,...he was heralded as promoting women's rights by loan sharking women,...he was served with 172 counts of corruption and money laundering by Bangladesh,...but his predatory lending to minority communities has granted him a noble peace prize in 2006. But perhaps metrics of corruptibility accounts for his selection as new pm by foreign entities. Time will tell,..and specifically on whether or when this new American naval base takes place on st Martin Island,..determines if this was an overreach by our American oligarchs or not.
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Last month, the USA engineered a regime change in Bangladesh through the NED, which is an organization that funds protests in foreign countries within foreign universities, attempts to influence foreign media, and foreign intellectuals.

The goal specifically with bangladesh is to set up a future military base on Saint Martin Island off of the southern coast of Bangladesh, and to create a regime that facilitates such an endeavor.

The British picked up the prime minister of Bangladesh and took her away in a c130 with promises of asylum in the UK, but then landed in India and dropped her off there. The new military appointed bangladesh pm, Mohammed yunuk, who is a guy with very friendly terms with Bill Clinton, Obama,..and a predatory loan shark that innovated "micro loans" in Bangladesh in which he loaned extremely small amounts of money with 20 percent interest,...he was heralded as promoting women's rights by loan sharking women,...he was served with 172 counts of corruption and money laundering by Bangladesh,...but his predatory lending to minority communities has granted him a noble peace prize in 2006. But perhaps metrics of corruptibility accounts for his selection as new pm by foreign entities. Time will tell,..and specifically on whether or when this new American naval base takes place on st Martin Island,..determines if this was an overreach by our American oligarchs or not.
The US starting doing regime change because they learned this from the Brits and they have become very good at it. As opposed to starting wars, which we start and don't finish/win.

And God knows, the US needs one more military based since 750 just isn't enough.

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