Be careful out there (ND)

Been feeling it lately but they say it’s not covid. No idea what it might be. Hope you get to feeling better Dawg.
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I doubt we had it, but neither of us were worth killing for about a week. Not really sick, but just dragging.
Something has been kicking my ass for the past week. Seems to get a little better, but I’ve had no energy - I’ve been taking multiple naps a day
Home respiratory care guy here.

Last two summers, we have seen an increases in C19.

It's not remotely as severe as in 2020, but it's definitely out there—and it will be here forever.

Be well errybody!
Yep. Its never going away. It will spike again the next month or so like it has the past couple years when school is back in and everyone is inside with the AC on. The good thing its not as bad as it was a couple years ago. Had it in January. Felt like a head cold .....for 3 weeks.
Yep. Its never going away. It will spike again the next month or so like it has the past couple years when school is back in and everyone is inside with the AC on. The good thing its not as bad as it was a couple years ago. Had it in January. Felt like a head cold .....for 3 weeks.

Your Welcome.
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Probably got it first week of June after my daughter came home from VBS with some cold-like symptoms.

Never felt bad, but it took me close to six weeks to get over a cough. Bruised ribs. Pulled muscles in my chest. It sucked.
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My neighbor’s sister and her two girls (2 & 6) have been at home for a week with it and have had flu like systems for most of the week.
and it will be here forever.

Be well everybody!
Yep, coronavirus never goes away. My friends and family are getting colds all the time, every year. I never get flu or C19 shots, and never get colds or flu, other than the C19 I got in late 2022. In my late '70s, I survived with no trip to ER or Urgent Care, but it was like a bad flu. Much more than a cold. Must have been my age.
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Yep. Its never going away. It will spike again the next month or so like it has the past couple years when school is back in and everyone is inside with the AC on. The good thing its not as bad as it was a couple years ago. Had it in January. Felt like a head cold .....for 3 weeks.
Anything and everything are no longer called what they once were. Influenza A and Influenza B are now C19! In 2019 the number of deaths caused by A and B is nearly the exact same number as those caused by C19 in 2020 with virtually 0 caused by A and B. we'll not have Strep because that is now C19. You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig!

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