You mean that old senile actor who kicked the budget deficit sky high because he believed you could magically spend money and cut taxes at the same time?
He is the grandfather of all the GOP loonies currently trying for the senile old actor's role.
He had to deal with lying assed democrats in control of the House who demanded to waste hundreds of billions of dollars on the Parasite class in exchange for letting him rebuild the military that THEY gutted under Carter
In 8 years, Reagan added 1.8 trillion to the National Debt. In return, the nation got 25 years of economic expansion and 34 million FULL TIME, GOOD PAYING JOBS along with most the military hardware used by every President since.
Name a damned thing that we got for the 9.4 TRILLION that the Kenyan Kommie added to the National Debt. MORE FRigging Debt than ALL 43 presidents before him COMFUKKINGBINED.
Because the 2009 budget had already been approved and charged to Bush, Owebama's PORKULUS plus another 200 BILLION DOLLARS worth of democrat "Emergency spending" plus TARP was added to the Bush debt.
Hoover used the People's money in economic hard times. In exchange, we got the Hoover dam which in turn, made Las Angeles, Reno and Las Vegas viable. The water, the electricity paid for the construction many times over
FDR used the People's money and in exchange, the taxpayer got schools, sewer systems, giant hydro-electric construction in the South East and Pacific North-west along with National Parks, Roads, Irrigation systems for the High Desert areas of Washington and Oregon as well as flood control and Federal Office Buildings along with the Military hardware used by the allies during WWII in return
Eisenhower used the people's money to create the Interstate Highway System and it was paid for thru Federal Gasoline Taxes. It opened up economic expansion nationwide.
What the hell have the taxpayers gotten back for what will be at least 10.5 trillion dollars worth of added debt by the time that worthless SOB is finally evicted from the office that he was never qualified to hold?
Ronald Reagan loved this nation,it's history and it's people. Especially those who wore the military uniform.
Barack the Moslem Owebama despises this nation, it's people, it's history and especially it's MILITARY.