_Keef_ Pillar of the DawgVent Jan 4, 2012 17,975 4,653 152 Apr 5, 2015 #1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jB2b9C2ATFI
J JMUDawg Diehard supporter Dec 8, 2002 7,289 0 128 Apr 5, 2015 #3 I assume that ham on the dollar was meant to be bad news for the US dollar http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-king-dollar-20150405-story.html#page=1
I assume that ham on the dollar was meant to be bad news for the US dollar http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-king-dollar-20150405-story.html#page=1
W waycrossbulldawg Circle of Honor Dec 13, 2002 63,873 131 137 Apr 5, 2015 #4 last night's kentucky loss was great day for America** nm
MusicCityDawg Circle of Honor Aug 25, 2001 31,879 10 110 Apr 5, 2015 #5 * * This post was edited on 4/5 4:16 PM by MusicCityDawg
MusicCityDawg Circle of Honor Aug 25, 2001 31,879 10 110 Apr 5, 2015 #6 You know what happens when you assume?.... If you paid attention you'd know that sig is about 6 or 7 years old. And you can thank me for us getting our sigs back. I'm the one who asked very nicely for them to be restored a couple of weeks ago.
You know what happens when you assume?.... If you paid attention you'd know that sig is about 6 or 7 years old. And you can thank me for us getting our sigs back. I'm the one who asked very nicely for them to be restored a couple of weeks ago.