I have talked on here before about how Grover Nordquist is all tied in with the Muslim Brotherhood. Apparently, Beck is going to try to show that a lot of the establishment GOP is all tied into muslim brotherhood money. He said his little internet TV show today is free and Grover has agreed to be on it. Says he's going to call Grover on all of it and that he is going to go after him and the GOP on this for awhile, just like he did Van Jones. Good is what I say. Radical muslim enablers are radical muslim enablers. I won't cut Republicans slack on that if they are all tied into it. Both parties are only about money and power anyway. To me, it seems the dems like the power more and the republicans like the money more, but they both like both and they both are selling us down the river. Dems are worse in many ways, but they need to clean this muslim money out of both parties. Said on his radio show that he thinks Rove is all deep in it, too. Luckily for the GOP, this hits too close for home to the MSM and they will probably close ranks with the GOP on this line of inquiry. They're going to smear Beck with the race card. FWIW, I think Beck is a loon, but plenty of loons have been right about some things. I'm paying attention.
Is Grover a sleeper?
Is Grover a sleeper?