What southern heritage? The heritage of being wrong about almost every historical event (slavery, committing treason against the United States, getting unconditionally defeated by Yankee ingenuity on the battlefield, Reconstruction, white supremacy, denying poor whites and all black people from economic security and education, segregation, denying black people voting rights, sharecropping, agriculture instead of industry, providing rural citizens with running water and electricity, challenging the supremacy of the federal government during the 1950s and 1960s) of the 19th and 20th centuries?
The heritage of being a national laughingstock for almost 150 years?
The heritage of historically being at the bottom of almost every national socioeconomic indicator?
Southern heritage is nothing to celebrate. It's something to be ashamed of.
I get you now. The conversation isn't on individual rational points, but rather, on the grand liberal agenda. Got it.
Anyone who speaks against the grand liberal mantra is associated with the myth of southern heritage that has fallen under the great liberal revision.
Of course, this is a common tactic. We started on the point of whether Dr. Carson's comments were valid about Muslim migration. You defend your point by painting a picture of southern suppression of black voting rights and sharecropping......... makes sense.
Any conservative Christian on this board is going to get the shamed white southern heritage line from you, is that it? Classic.
Of course, Dr. Carson is not white. But he must be an ignorant Uncle Tom to be so utterly stupid about such things as world politics.
And you, the white pug, have a concealed weapons permit and served in the military, so you have the knowledge of what is right, what is truth. You fully understand the Muslim faith, Sharia Law and the population growth of Muslims in this country. Am I on point so far?
Hey, I respect your opinion, until you feel the need to degrade your own country to try and validate a point in a discussion on politics. At that point, you become just background noise.
If someone opposes same sex marriage and abortion, they are dumb white radical rednecks and cannot be trusted.
If someone stones a woman for having an affair, we should welcome them openly and look to accommodate their beliefs as free men in this country...... Am I still on point?
Dr. Carson is bad because he is conservative. Forget that he is a black man, but because he holds to traditional Biblical values, he must be associated with white supremacy and sharecropping.
Oh, and slavery was abundant in the Northern U.S. also. But, oh, never mind.
The "supremacy of the federal government"? Really? There was no supremacy of the federal government when we wrote the Constitution. It was written to bring together, to link, sovereign states and provide for the common good by allowing a militia and infrastructure. The fed was beholding to the states. Now, as man corrupts, we are beholding to the fed.
Your post here explains a lot. I will not engage with you again. I feel like I need a damn shower to clean myself off from all the horse manure I stepped in reading your post. So sorry you feel so ashamed of your country. Do you feel the same about slavery now in other countries? Just curious. How about the African slave traders who sold slave to the Europeans and Middle Easterners? So you hold the continent of African in the same contempt as you do the U.S.? Just curious.
I know, a bunch of old southern heritage red necks. Other than shooting them while in the military, you taken in any Muslims and provided food and clothing? Just curious, since you seem to hold many here to such a high standard.
I am done. No logical conversation can be made. I will not respond to another of your posts, regardless of the ignorance.