Carson, what makes each one qualified to be President?
Not a trick question. I have my opinion, just curious.
Not a trick question. I have my opinion, just curious.
You pretty much nailed it. And "IT" is a sad state of affairs when Trump is the safest choice. Not the best domestically but the safest based upon Obama's unilateral withdrawal and world class stupidity x 1000 on the world scene. Incompetence left the stage after the first few years of his admin. And weakness always invites aggression and expanding world tension. Actually Biden may have been the answer given the media and tension X 1000 that again the Obama disaster has created domestically. I'm not sure any leader can put this genie back in the bottle. John K (unelectable it seems as he is too adult and maybe too smart, too capable, too caucasian male), Rubio or Carly all seem to be good choices. Carson probably is the best human being and person left.Sanders is a looney tune, kind of the angry old uncle who is nice enough just crazy.
Hillary would be the most dishonest, lying president in history. Everything she touches turns to crap but democrats have no mural compass so she is allowed to be a crook.
Carson is a bright guy but still don't see it. I would vote for him if he is nominated but wish he had more experience at manage large groups of people. Do think he could repair Obama abortive race stirring.
Trump is somewhat Reagan esque and I think he may be what we need to deal with the pending show down with putin.