Bob Dole Destroys Ted Cruz...

Which puts him somewhere just beneath Barack Obama and in front of Hillary in likeability. Fortunately for him he is on a different level intelligence wise. Far smarter than Hill and absolutely dominating Barack. So the choice is simple. A brilliant jerk (Cruz). A hateful and somewhat disgusting "B" with a middle of the road intellect. (Hillary). Or a incompetent F up who you wouldn't mind having a beer with particularly if he were buying. (Obama).
Which puts him somewhere just beneath Barack Obama and in front of Hillary in likeability. Fortunately for him he is on a different level intelligence wise. Far smarter than Hill and absolutely dominating Barack. So the choice is simple. A brilliant jerk (Cruz). A hateful and somewhat disgusting "B" with a middle of the road intellect. (Hillary). Or a incompetent F up who you wouldn't mind having a beer with particularly if he were buying. (Obama).

Completely disagree. POSOTUS is as unlikable as Hillary. I'd pour a beer on his head.
Cruz is a monumental twat that much is certain. Kasich, Bush, or Paul are all vastly preferable to Cruz. They just don't have much of a chance of winning.
Cruz is a monumental twat that much is certain. Kasich, Bush, or Paul are all vastly preferable to Cruz. They just don't have much of a chance of winning.

Cruz is to the Republicans as Obama is to the Democrats. Both lean from center, one more to the right one more to the left. IMO, he is what the Republicans need to get the party back in line with it's core values and principles. I like that he is a Constitutionalist and will not abuse the powers of the Presidency. If you have to lead by executive order then you are a major failure at the job.
Cruz is to the Republicans as Obama is to the Democrats. Both lean from center, one more to the right one more to the left. IMO, he is what the Republicans need to get the party back in line with it's core values and principles. I like that he is a Constitutionalist and will not abuse the powers of the Presidency. If you have to lead by executive order then you are a major failure at the job.

And unlike POSOTUS, Cruz is a man of principal. He will live by the structure of the Constitution. I think when you see "Republicans" start bashing him, they're just repeating what they've heard from the Establishment they believe really care's about what they think