Body Cam Footage Released from July 13

What about the shot to the back of the shooters head? We’ve been told all along that a sniper got him with a 1 in a million shot but it’s being reported that the entry wound was to the rear and exit above the left eye. Where did it come from and from who? If the FBI can’t or haven’t confirmed the kill shot came from SS or local police then we’ve got a real conspiracy.
That was steep pitched roof so they probably rolled down and catapulted into the next county.

All that being said, a 2nd shooter doesn't seem likely.
Have you seen the video where someone breaks down the audio of the shooting? The first 3 shots are a distinctly different sound as the next 5 plus they have a different echo from the buildings around.
The FBlie's testimony yesterday was BS. The odds of an amateur getting off 8 shots from that roof is about the same odds that Oswald got off 3 shots with a bolt action rifle - zero. I know this rifle was a semi-auto, but he didn't shoot 5 then 3. Then recording I heard was 3 shots, then 5.

Plus that same audio you could hear 3 shots, then 5 and the sound was different, indicating a different location/echo, if not a different caliber. And if there was 8 heard on audio, where was the sniper's shot that killed him?
The FBlie's testimony yesterday was BS. The odds of an amateur getting off 8 shots from that roof is about the same odds that Oswald got off 3 shots with a bolt action rifle - zero. I know this rifle was a semi-auto, but he didn't shoot 5 then 3. Then recording I heard was 3 shots, then 5.

Plus that same audio you could hear 3 shots, then 5 and the sound was different, indicating a different location/echo, if not a different caliber. And if there was 8 heard on audio, where was the sniper's shot that killed him?
There could many reasons the shots sound different. Whose microphone was used to pick up the sound? After the first shots we’re fired I would assume that person would turn to see what was happening which would make them sound different, especially if it a directional microphone.
Did he mix ammo? VERY common with criminals, ask any cop. Was it .223 and 5.56? Although they fire from the same rifle they are definitely loaded differently.
I am open to more people being involved but 2 shooters seem unlikely. But, these days, who knows. All the other conspiracies have come true in the last 8 years.
There could many reasons the shots sound different. Whose microphone was used to pick up the sound? After the first shots we’re fired I would assume that person would turn to see what was happening which would make them sound different, especially if it a directional microphone.
Did he mix ammo? VERY common with criminals, ask any cop. Was it .223 and 5.56? Although they fire from the same rifle they are definitely loaded differently.
I am open to more people being involved but 2 shooters seem unlikely. But, these days, who knows. All the other conspiracies have come true in the last 8 years.
When taking video the mic is not directional. Directional is on when making phone call.

It appears they were at least 3 guns fired. The would-be assassin, and 2 counter snipers. One behind him from a window, and one on the red barn top to the right of the stage.
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There could many reasons the shots sound different. Whose microphone was used to pick up the sound? After the first shots we’re fired I would assume that person would turn to see what was happening which would make them sound different, especially if it a directional microphone.
Did he mix ammo? VERY common with criminals, ask any cop. Was it .223 and 5.56? Although they fire from the same rifle they are definitely loaded differently.
I am open to more people being involved but 2 shooters seem unlikely. But, these days, who knows. All the other conspiracies have come true in the last 8 years.
I actually didn't say it was a conspiracy or there were 2 shooters. I said there were 3 shots then 5 and based on some peoples claims, the sound was different, implying not all came from the patsy. Nobody has all the facts and the FBI will never provide them either.

Which shot was the kill shot? Did a sniper shoot 5 times? They aren't being even 1% transparent with the facts. Why wouldn't Wray testify which shot was the one that killed him? Because, for every fact that admit there would be more questions. They are eagerly trying to sweep this under the rug, nothing to see here.

I have a 5.56 and if you can tell me that a .223 sounds different from a 5.56, you have some divine powers of hearing that I don't possess. The patsy supposedly bought ammo the day of or day before, so 1 box was more than enough. If they would disclose to us more facts there would be less speculation. A 5.56 has higher pressures, so you can shoot .223 with a 5.56 rifle, but unwise to do it the other way, but allegedly he was a terrible shot, so maybe he mixed.

The problem is the FBI has a long history of lies and coverups, from Ruby Ridge, to Oklahoma City, to the Vegas shooting and now Butler, PA.
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Conspiracy theorists will continue to conspiracy theorize......

But here's what you have to believe

1) Govt. or whoever you think is behind this got a twenty year old kid that couldn't shoot worth a crap to be in on it as the patsy. And dude was willing to give up his life to do it.

2) Govt. decided to kill Donald Trump on his 10,000th outdoor speaking engagement and it just so happened at that same time some 20 year old kid climbed up on a roof and he and the govt. paid marksman started shooting simultaneously. And the best they could do was possibly nick him in the ear. There's some thought that shrapnel may have cut Trump's ear.

A large pct. of you on here are flat out conspiracy theorists linking complete BS sites that constantly put out BS articles that never post an apology for it or redact it. No real journalists calls those sites out on their BS because no one takes them seriously as news organizations.

Another number of you, kind of want to put yourselves outside of that sphere. You're not like "them". You're rational thinkers with "healthy skepticism". But after a few minutes of discussion with you and question asking, it's found out there isn't much difference. You believe the same shiola.
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Conspiracy theorists will continue to conspiracy theorize......

But here's what you have to believe

1) Govt. or whoever you think is behind this got a twenty year old kid that couldn't shoot worth a crap to be in on it as the patsy. And dude was willing to give up his life to do it.

2) Govt. decided to kill Donald Trump on his 10,000th outdoor speaking engagement and it just so happened at that same time some 20 year old kid climbed up on a roof and he and the govt. paid marksman started shooting simultaneously. And the best they could do was possibly nick him in the ear. There's some thought that shrapnel may have cut Trump's ear.

A large pct. of you on here are flat out conspiracy theorists linking complete BS sites that constantly put out BS articles that never post an apology for it or redact it. No real journalists calls those sites out on their BS because no one takes them seriously as news organizations.

Another number of you, kind of want to put yourselves outside of that sphere. You're not like "them". You're rational thinkers with "healthy skepticism". But after a few minutes of discussion with you and question asking, it's found out there isn't much difference. You believe the same shiola.
Enlighten us. Please with your massive brain. We will see if you are right. Time leads to conspiracy theories. If the fbi and ss were a little more transparent and forth coming you would have a lot less of these made up conspiracy theories. They want 60 freaking days. Took way less time in the 60’s to find Lee harvey and any reason he had to shoot jfk. He was dead by now too.

You are just saucy because your reason for voting for Biden/harris other than tds got blown the f up. Democracy was desecrated by the dems. They managed an insurrection and a coup. 😂. Just trampled all over a man’s freedom to participate in an election he had already won the right to enter. All because they think he can’t win. In reality, they have no idea what happens over the next three months. He could have won. Lord knows what trump could do to screw up his big lead

Have you redacted anything ever on this site? You still pretending Biden is of sound mind. Stop being a hypocrite. You stoop to trolling, and you want to take the intellectual high ground. I don’t think I will let you do that today.
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Enlighten us. Please with your massive brain. We will see if you are right. Time leads to conspiracy theories. If the fbi and ss were a little more transparent and forth coming you would have a lot less of these made up conspiracy theories. They want 60 freaking days. Took way less time in the 60’s to find Lee harvey and any reason he had to shoot jfk. He was dead by now too.

You are just saucy because your reason for voting for Biden/harris other than tds got blown the f up. Democracy was desecrated by the dems. They managed an insurrection and a coup. 😂. Just trampled all over a man’s freedom to participate in an election he had already won the right to enter. All because they think he can’t win. In reality, they have no idea what happens over the next three months. He could have won. Lord knows what trump could do to screw up his big lead

Have you redacted anything ever on this site? You still pretending Biden is of sound mind. Stop being a hypocrite. You stoop to trolling, and you want to take the intellectual high ground. I don’t think I will let you do that today.
I have no need to enlighten you. You are already very much enlightened. I'd say you've had enough. 😂 😂

I've never met one conspiracy theorist yet that ever felt anything they said was redacted.

I am quite proud of my TDS sickness. We call it common sense where I'm from. Make me a TDS t-shirt and I'll gladly wear it.
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I have no need to enlighten you. You are already very much enlightened. I'd say you've had enough. 😂 😂

I am quite proud of my TDS sickness. We call it common sense where I'm from. Make me a TDS t-shirt and I'll gladly wear it.
That is what I thought. Glad you have moved on from that freedom and transfer of power bullshit. If curious, guess who gets to certify the upcoming election. I appreciate your rational thinking. The rest of us need a rational thinker to keep us straight. Admission of having a deranged syndrome shows how rational you are.
That is what I thought. Glad you have moved on from that freedom and transfer of power bullshit. If curious, guess who gets to certify the upcoming election. I appreciate your rational thinking. The rest of us need a rational thinker to keep us straight.
RIght. And she'll certify whether she wins or loses. Same way GHWB certified his. Same way Al Gore certifed W's. Same way that old "evil" man certified Trump's win in Jan. 2017. This is nothing new. What was new is M. Pence getting on the phone with a federal judge asking if it was legal for him not to certify.


RIght. And she'll certify whether she wins or loses. Same way GHWB certified his. Same way Al Gore certifed W's. This is nothing new. What was new is M. Pence getting on the phone with a federal judge asking if it was legal for him not to certify.


You didn’t mention Biden certifying trump’s win. Despite boos and threatening cat calls. A third of his party had called for him to not certify the election of an illegitimate president. But who is keeping track of that narrative. It doesn’t fit. Right?

John Lewis, President Carter, President Clinton and hildawg all said it was illegitimate. Biden shouldn’t certify a stolen election. Impeachment started like the next week. lol.
You didn’t mention Biden certifying trump’s win. Despite boos and threatening cat calls. A third of his party had called for him to not certify the election of an illegitimate president. But who is keeping track of that narrative. It doesn’t fit. Right?

John Lewis, President Carter, President Clinton and hildawg all said it was illegitimate. Biden shouldn’t certify a stolen election. Impeachment started like the next week. lol.
House of Reps have always had their crazies on both sides (of course when the base believes in conspiracy theories it's hard to get conservatives to admit that about MTG). You don't usually get crazies in the Senate. The calls for non certification got nowhere really because no Senator agreed. Not one Democratic Senator. On Jan. 6th, 2021 we had quite a few Republican Senators try to hold up that passing of the baton.

See it's hard to get crazies into the Senate because a majority of the whole state has to support crazy, not just a certain area (often gerrymandered) of crazies.

BTW: Local law enforcement says they have eight casings.

Today, July 23, 2024, in testimony before the House Homeland Security Committee, Christopher Paris, the commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police, was asked how many rounds Crooks fired before he was killed.4 Commissioner Paris responded, “I believe the number is 8, 8 casings have been recovered.”5


But you know, every local law enforcement guy in that area was in on it, too. So not really recdacted, right?
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House of Reps have always had their crazies on both sides (of course when the base believes in conspiracy theories it's hard to get conservatives to admit that about MTG). You don't usually get crazies in the Senate. The calls for non certification got nowhere really because no Senator agreed. Not one Democratic Senator. On Jan. 6th, 2021 we had quite a few Republican Senators try to hold up that passing of the baton.

See it's hard to get crazies into the Senate because a majority of the whole state has to support crazy, not just a certain area (often gerrymandered) of crazies.
Seems like a reaction from what happened previously. Honestly. It generally escalates. Which is what will make this election very interesting. Reps then escalating to senators. Let’s see what is next. Maybe some level heads. I don’t know any conservatives that don’t think mtg is crazy. It isn’t that hard to find. But she sure is entertaining. I guess you find Omar and aoc sane?
Seems like a reaction from what happened previously. Honestly. It generally escalates. Which is what will make this election very interesting. Reps then escalating to senators. Let’s see what is next. Maybe some level heads. I don’t know any conservatives that don’t think mtg is crazy. It isn’t that hard to find. But she sure is entertaining
Do you read this place? There are people on here that fully like her. She's from Georgia. She's been elected twice from a Georgia district that is highly conservative. I highly doubt you don't know someone who has supported her and voted for her.
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Conspiracy theorists will continue to conspiracy theorize......

But here's what you have to believe

1) Govt. or whoever you think is behind this got a twenty year old kid that couldn't shoot worth a crap to be in on it as the patsy. And dude was willing to give up his life to do it.

2) Govt. decided to kill Donald Trump on his 10,000th outdoor speaking engagement and it just so happened at that same time some 20 year old kid climbed up on a roof and he and the govt. paid marksman started shooting simultaneously. And the best they could do was possibly nick him in the ear. There's some thought that shrapnel may have cut Trump's ear.

A large pct. of you on here are flat out conspiracy theorists linking complete BS sites that constantly put out BS articles that never post an apology for it or redact it. No real journalists calls those sites out on their BS because no one takes them seriously as news organizations.

Another number of you, kind of want to put yourselves outside of that sphere. You're not like "them". You're rational thinkers with "healthy skepticism". But after a few minutes of discussion with you and question asking, it's found out there isn't much difference. You believe the same shiola.
Maybe we are not implying a conspiracy to assassinate Trump. How about a conspiracy to lie about the "kill shot"?

If there were just 2 guns fired, one by Crooks and one, the kill shot, from a counter sniper on red barn top behind Trump, which is their story, there would be gray brain matter and mist down slope from Crooks' position. Go back and look at cam footage of officers standing below Crooks' body. They would be tracking Crooks' brain matter all over the roof. Pull your head out of your a*s, or more politely, out of the sand, and try a little independent thinking and research instead of parroting what you hear on TV.
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Maybe we are not implying a conspiracy to assassinate Trump. How about a conspiracy to lie about the "kill shot"?

If there were just 2 guns fired, one by Crooks and one from a counter sniper on red barn top behind Trump, which is their story, there would be gray brain matter and mist down slope from Crooks' position. Go back and look at cam footage of officers standing below Crooks' body. They would be tracking Crooks' brain matter all over the roof. Pull your head out of your a*s, or more politely, out of the sand, and try a little independent thinking and research instead of parroting what you hear on TV.
Yeah, I'm not going here, Mulder. It's pointless. I'm not a thinker like you.
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Do you read this place? There are people on here that fully like her. She's from Georgia. She's been elected twice from a Georgia district that is highly conservative. I highly doubt you don't know someone who has supported her and voted for her.
I honestly don’t know anyone who has voted for her. I am in watkinsville/athens. Not really close to her district. I am sure there are people that like her here. The way she went after your version of her, aoc. But most agree like aoc, she has a screw loose. Several conservative posters here have said the same. She did what she did to become famous, and rise up the ladder quickly. You know her name. So do I. Which is exactly what she is after. The fact that you are talking about her on a message board just lets you know how successful her plan has been. Same with aoc and talib for us. They hate American and rep America. Only difference. Love having people in positions to make decisions for Americans while hating them at the same time. You are lining up with a group thst has quite a percentage that hate this country. That just doesn’t fly with me
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I honestly don’t know anyone who has voted for her. I am in watkinsville/athens. Not really close to her district. I am sure there are people that like her here. The way she went after your version of her, aoc. But most agree like aoc, she has a screw loose. Several conservative posters here have said the same. She did what she did to become famous, and rise up the ladder quickly. You know her name. So do I. Which is exactly what she is after. The fact that you are talking about her on a message board just lets you know how successful her plan has been. Same with aoc and talib for us. They hate American and rep America. Only difference. Love having people in positions to make decisions for Americans while hating them at the same time. You are lining up with a group thst has quite a percentage that hate this country. That just doesn’t fly with me
Well, let's give AOC some cred then too if that's how we're gonna play it. WTH? I don't really care for either. MTG hates America in a lot of people's opinion. Continue with the tunnel vision.
Well, let's give AOC some cred then too if that's how we're gonna play it. WTH? I don't really care for either. MTG hates America in a lot of people's opinion. Continue with the tunnel vision.
I did give aoc credit. Same thing she did mtg did. That is a stretch for mtg. Crazy. But not America hating crazy. Talib said she would rep her people’s interests first ahead of the USA in a speech to them. That is as america hating as you can get. Find me an example of mtg stating she hates America. Be happy to post 10-20 instances of aoc and talib stating this kind of crap. Mtg is a shock jock. No substance, but always the one giving the Dems shit. Making their lives difficult. Can’t say people on the right don’t like that the same way. I don’t know anyone who thinks she is sane. I am not in her district either.
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