He (Obama) has tried to do it the easy way, the lazy way. By remote control ignoring the situation on the ground. After he gave away what we had gained. Which was basically a strong military presence in the strategic part of the ME. A way to get to any trouble spot quickly and instantly. And carry the fight rather than be on the receiving end. We had the ball inside their red zone and instead choose to flip the field and give it to them inside our 10. Why? Because the current admin DID NOT WIN IRAQ so they choose to give it back. To satisfy a simple political game of "we're in charge" and nothing you did are we gonna honor. Regardless of the consequences. Obama and his minions really believed that crap they sat up all night and cynically spoke about at their dope smoking coffee house get togethers. And proving it was the aim, not protecting western civilization which they held in great disdain to begin with. Oh and btw the killings had about stopped in Iraq by the time BO took over. But the mowing down has freshly began again and this time increased 10 fold and spread immensely. People were out voting, living again and now they are in full scale warfare and occupation. You are either blind or a mental cripple if you think Iraq and Syria are better off now.
But all that is done so where do we go now in a seriously more complicated situation. Our cutting and running away to satisfy a political craving was likely the worst decision for peace and at least a grip on the Islamic problem possible for our generation. Now we have a nuclear armed Russia to contend with, an Islamic army in control of huge swaths that we cleared the militants out of. A soon to be nuke capable Iran on the march. So hell I really don't know what we ought to be doing. BO has lost the control of the situation, a control that he inherited.