Bout time somebody put this on record

Indict them for election interference, most will plead because a long term fight will BREAK them financially.

Use their own tactics against them by GOD.

See...this is how it keeps going. The 51 intelligence signers DID NOT SAY HUNTERS LAPTOP WAS RUSSIAN DISINFO...FULL. F-ING. STOP.

Vance is perpetuating that lie. He's wrong.
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See...this is how it keeps going. The 51 intelligence signers DID NOT SAY HUNTERS LAPTOP WAS RUSSIAN DISINFO...FULL. F-ING. STOP.

Vance is perpetuating that lie. He's wrong.
Tough shit, we'll do it the dim way.......................prove it in court. You'll plead or go broke trying and some-----------BOTH.

Perpetuating lies, isn't that a concept. Six fake news networks and the entire dim party have lying down to a science

Trump train is coming eFFers.
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Tough shit, we'll do it the dim way.......................prove it in court. You'll plead or go broke trying and some-----------BOTH.
That's happened. Check the letter and the testimony to congress. No need to relitigate the issue.

Vance is wrong. Again.
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See...this is how it keeps going. The 51 intelligence signers DID NOT SAY HUNTERS LAPTOP WAS RUSSIAN DISINFO...FULL. F-ING. STOP.

Vance is perpetuating that lie. He's wrong.
They knew the FBI had the laptop in their possession for months and it had been verified FULL STOP. It was election interference initiated by the Biden campaign to MISLEAD the American voters and to allow Biden to LIE during a debate and state the laptop story had been debunked. Every asshat that participated should lose their clearances and pensions.
See...this is how it keeps going. The 51 intelligence signers DID NOT SAY HUNTERS LAPTOP WAS RUSSIAN DISINFO...FULL. F-ING. STOP.

Vance is perpetuating that lie. He's wrong.
I heard a Kamala add on the radio today talking about how Trumps 2025 plan would be the end of the world for black people. Trump does not have a 2025 plan and disavowed the one that is out there. Your side lies about things anyone with a brain knows is not true. As I have stated before. If not for your tds you would be able to see that the letter was election interference. They knew exactly what the results would be. Why write it. They knew it was real.
That's happened. Check the letter and the testimony to congress. No need to relitigate the issue.

Vance is wrong. Again.
No, you are wrong again. Now tell us about some of Kamala's lying ads. SMH this is my problem and the only reason I stay over here and argue. Your side totally ignores what your pols do and say. I just feel the need to point out the hypocrisy of the left. You are party only or tds only all the way. Policy wise, kamala is an idiot. You just keep lying to yourself and vote for the idiot communist. If she wins maybe she will send us trump voters to re-education camps and we can all become communist with the dims.
I heard a Kamala add on the radio today talking about how Trumps 2025 plan would be the end of the world for black people. Trump does not have a 2025 plan and disavowed the one that is out there. Your side lies about things anyone with a brain knows is not true. As I have stated before. If not for your tds you would be able to see that the letter was election interference. They knew exactly what the results would be. Why write it. They knew it was real.
That's exactly what confuses me. If you disagree with his policy position, say what it is and then tell us how your idea is better. But, her debate answers and virtually everything they say in every one of her ads is demonstrably false. They think so little of the American voter that they think they can lie their a$$ off and make people believe their propaganda. It's crazy. I am sure it will work on some. I know it has worked on several chatters.
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That It had earmarks of Russian disinfo. Not that it was Russian disinfo. There's a difference. Congressional testimony supports this as well.
They knew what dims/tds/media would do with it. They knew it was real. They had motive and it was political in nature. Lots of folks said they would have voted differently had they known the lap top was real. Enough to change the election, don't know. But it would have sure been nice if the FBI and those anti-America traitors would have told the truth instead of "shading" to throw off the uninformed. You can stop yelling about it though. Only kamala voters will believe you because they already believe she is a CHANGED woman from her far left communist ways of just a few months ago. LOL yall so GULLIBLE. JUST stop repeating the lies of the media. Republican voters are far more informed than the folks the media tries to influence. You are getting no where here. TDS/ Dim gonna vote the communist. The rest of us Trump. Hopefully for America their are less tds and dims voting than those of us for trump.
They knew what dims/tds/media would do with it. They knew it was real. They had motive and it was political in nature. Lots of folks said they would have voted differently had they known the lap top was real. Enough to change the election, don't know. But it would have sure been nice if the FBI and those anti-America traitors would have told the truth instead of "shading" to throw off the uninformed. You can stop yelling about it though. Only kamala voters will believe you because they already believe she is a CHANGED woman from her far left communist ways of just a few months ago. LOL yall so GULLIBLE. JUST stop repeating the lies of the media. Republican voters are far more informed than the folks the media tries to influence. You are getting no where here. TDS/ Dim gonna vote the communist. The rest of us Trump. Hopefully for America their are less tds and dims voting than those of us for trump.

Democrats love to be lied to.

"it's easier to fool someone, than to convince them they have been fooled."


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