DJD. They are seeding the country with fascism. Every nook and cranny. I read some article the other day that there are navigators that can get you up to $50,000 in federal SEED money your first year here. Hell, I see fat latin brood mares that can't speak English in in brand new SUVs around Athens, dirty diapers flying out the windows left and right. These invaders will just dump that shit diaper right out in the parking lot. DJD, we are asleep at the wheel. Stuck in our bubbles. O'reilly is right about that shit - everyone is just living in their own self-made world, ignoring the storm clouds and hoping it blows away. No way, no how. Obama's demographic time bomb is gonna explode on us, and soon. I hope all the smoking takes him out early so he doesn't get to enjoy seeing his creation for too long.
People better wake up.
People better wake up.