Britt says he's an impressive young man ..


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jan 4, 2012
I guess that is going to be the CFR line. Rubio is a nice young feller, but he's got plenty of time. We need a seasoned leader like Jeb.
Council on Foreign Relations ...

NWO front group. they have tons of members who don't even know what they are members of, just like the Masons, the Catholic Church and a lot of other groups, but they are a sinister crew. All into one-world government and globalism. You don't get elected President of the US in the modern era without their blessing.

I was kinda kidding about the Catholic Church, but only kinda.

This post was edited on 4/13 6:45 PM by _Keef_
you heard of Agenda 21 I take it, and thanks for the info*

I will over Jeb - I'm cool with Cruz, but Rubio is probably more ...

Well since I am a member of The Bilderberg Group...........

I am glad you did not mention them............... We do good work.
I totally agree. The odd thing is that Alan Dersherwitz who is liberal.....

As the day is long called Cruz one of his top 3 law students ever at Harvard. Cruz has a great mind but he is just weird in a uncomfortable way but brilliant in a brain synapse way.
I think he's got an appeal that scares the Dems......loved how he

already managed to paint Hillary as an "old" backward looking elitist.
Agenda 21, the blueprint -- obviously, google searches can ...

take you deep into the fever swamp on all this STUFF if you are inclined to travel there.
One look at Cruz....marshmallow hand...

...need someone Putin will respect when the Sit Down occurs to figure things out.
This post was edited on 4/13 7:19 PM by JimBfishN
Potential tableturner locally at first look *

This post was edited on 4/13 7:35 PM by JimBfishN
Re: Council on Foreign Relations ...

Just about anyone or any institution with lots of power, money and influence can be as sinister as needed with very short notice,
Founded in 1921 with Mission Statement of eliminating US sovereignty

And forming a world government with "mutual cooperation", "no wars", and ruled by a select caste of elite people.
Just like Plato described. Erasing borders, and creating a few world regions with only a few rulers all under one Man on a throne.

Global Warming is the pilot program for instituting a global tax and world government. Eventually, there will have to be something "done" about too many people using up Gaia's resources. But that's later.

"We've got a real chance at this New World Order" as Daddy Bush and dozens before him called it. Fulfillment of an "ancient promise" as W said.
W said of these changes, "Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm?" Bill Clinton in Europe campaigning for World Socialist Party candidates: "We've got to find a way of erasing these borders."

A Caliphate makes a lot more sense now. "ISIS" drives around in lots of US Special forces equipment. No wonder Barack armed Al Qaeda. Easier to control one region than a bunch of rogue countries.

Buckle up!!
gotta ask. Do you know or keef know anyone in the cfr or acfr?

And yes I do. I've been to three acfr meetings. Great speech by commander jones btw.
Is this a close friend or family? Do you speak with them frequently

And discuss world events and/or acfr cfr meetings?

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