Bukele Address to UN


War Daddy
Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
A cautionary tale. Each point he makes is aimed at something happening in our daily lives, right now, that we have the power to fix. Video of the entire speech (English translation) below.

Nayib Bukele Address to the UN General Assembly

As Salvadorans, we recognize these symptoms of decadence when we see them, because we have been through them all. We lived through the stages of our nation's downfall, one by one and we are seeing those same stages once again, but this time on a global scale.

We cannot and do not wish to tell other countries what to do. Each country must make its own decisions and do what is best for its people. We can only offer a word of caution from a friend who has been through a dark time and has fought the battle of his life to get out of it.

We cannot change the course of the world. El Salvador is too small a country. We are, in fact, the smallest country in the entire American continent.

This is much bigger than us and in fact is bigger than any nation. We cannot prevent the dark times that are coming, but what we can do is become a small shelter from the coming storm and maintain hope.

In El Salvador, we do not imprison the opposition, we do not censor opinions or confiscate property for thinking differently. Here, no one is arrested for expressing their ideas.

In El Salvador, your freedom of expression as well as your private property will always be protected.

In El Salvador, we prioritize the safety of our honest citizens over the comfort of criminals. Some say that we have imprisoned thousands, but the reality is we have freed millions. Now it is the good guys who live free, without fear, with their freedoms and human rights fully respected.

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