Bush pretty much handed Obama the world on fire...

If ripping the scab off of racial issues that are as old as man kind and fanning the flames in the middle east is good, then you must live in an alternate universe.
Well he (1) Threw a trillion $$ stimulus away on special interest pet projects and Obama phones and bankrupt green rip off projects to political supporters who had no intent of doing anything other than grabbing the free money.

(2) Instead of focusing on building the economy and lasting growth he went on a job killing Obama Care crusade.

(3) He went on a mid east blame America first crusade encouraging insurrection and got it with a mid east in flames and radicals taking over after the blowup.

(4) Ignored the educated middle class in Iran and "let them eat cake" handing their heads to the dictator mullahs after they marched in the streets and asked for Americas moral support and help.

(5) Dropped interest rates so low and began printing money backed by air so that wall street banks and his cronies have made billions upon billions while the average worker's pay sunk to new lows, jobs went south and people quit looking and the work force percentage is the lowest since 1970's. And the wage gap is horrendous.

(6) Promoted policies that have killed incomes so that avg household incomes have still not recovered to the same level as the day he took office.

(7) Flooded our country with illegals that are sucking up jobs that American citizens need and welfare payments have went through the roof.

(8) Food stamps useage has risen to the level that over half of Americans are forced to draw them.

(9) Set up the most murderous regime and movement in the history of mankind with their own caliphate. Speaking of ISIS in Syria and and Iraq who benefitted from his cutting and running from a war won fairly.

(10) Divided the races to a level never seen before in the USA and has sent hatred to new levels.

(11) Promoted a war on law enforcement officers by radical racists.

(12) Brought the level of respect for the office of the presidency to a new low with his childish and unnecessary lies.

(13) Insulted our friends and allies abroad and has our best friend Israel on the edge of extinction.

(14) Set the stage for a certain middle east wide holocaust and full blown regional war with the cave in to Iran.

(15) Has raised the anger level in our country to such a stage that people are actually turning to Donald Trump to save them.

(16) Raised the national debt to a level that can never be paid and to the point where a record level of government spending is needed just to pay interest.

I'm tired of thinking about all this and I could go on all night. But I guess other than all that he has done a great job of playing golf and promoting the game of golf.
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Well he (1) Threw a trillion $$ stimulus away on special interest pet projects and Obama phones and bankrupt green rip off projects to political supporters who had no intent of doing anything other than grabbing the free money.

(2) Instead of focusing on building the economy and lasting growth he went on a job killing Obama Care crusade.

(3) He went on a mid east blame America first crusade encouraging insurrection and got it with a mid east in flames and radicals taking over after the blowup.

(4) Ignored the educated middle class in Iran and "let them eat cake" handing their heads to the dictator mullahs after they marched in the streets and asked for Americas moral support and help.

(5) Dropped interest rates so low and began printing money backed by air so that wall street banks and his cronies have made billions upon billions while the average worker's pay sunk to new lows, jobs went south and people quit looking and the work force percentage is the lowest since 1970's. And the wage gap is horrendous.

(6) Promoted policies that have killed incomes so that avg household incomes have still not recovered to the same level as the day he took office.

(7) Flooded our country with illegals that are sucking up jobs that American citizens need and welfare payments have went through the roof.

(8) Food stamps useage has risen to the level that over half of Americans are forced to draw them.

(9) Set up the most murderous regime and movement in the history of mankind with their own caliphate. ISIS in Syria and and Iraq with his cutting and running from a won war.

(10) Divided the races to a level never seen before in the USA and has sent hatred to new levels.

(11) Promoted a war on law enforcement officers by radical racists.

(12) Brought the level of respect for the office of the presidency to a new low with his childish and unnecessary lies.

(13) Insulted our friends and allies abroad and has our best friend Israel on the edge of extinction.

(14) Set the stage for a certain middle east wide holocaust and full blown regional war with the worst "deal" and cave in to Iran.

(15) Has raised the anger level in our country to such a stage that people are actually turning to Donald Trump to save them.

(16) Raised the national debt to a level that it can never be paid and a record level of government spending is just paying interest.

I'm tired of thinking about all this and I could go on all night. But I guess other than all that he has done a great job of playing golf and promoting the game of golf.
Don't forget, taken the art of vacationing to a new level! " We shall dine and traipse about on he taxpayers dime first tranny moochelle!"-Ears and mom jeans wearer barack hussian obama. I refuse to cap his name
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Don't forget, taken the art of vacationing to a new level! " We shall dine and traipse about on he taxpayers dime first tranny moochelle!"-Ears and mom jeans wearer barack hussian obama. I refuse to cap his name
Big chelley is hawt
Well he (1) Threw a trillion $$ stimulus away on special interest pet projects and Obama phones and bankrupt green rip off projects to political supporters who had no intent of doing anything other than grabbing the free money.

(2) Instead of focusing on building the economy and lasting growth he went on a job killing Obama Care crusade.

(3) He went on a mid east blame America first crusade encouraging insurrection and got it with a mid east in flames and radicals taking over after the blowup.

(4) Ignored the educated middle class in Iran and "let them eat cake" handing their heads to the dictator mullahs after they marched in the streets and asked for Americas moral support and help.

(5) Dropped interest rates so low and began printing money backed by air so that wall street banks and his cronies have made billions upon billions while the average worker's pay sunk to new lows, jobs went south and people quit looking and the work force percentage is the lowest since 1970's. And the wage gap is horrendous.

(6) Promoted policies that have killed incomes so that avg household incomes have still not recovered to the same level as the day he took office.

(7) Flooded our country with illegals that are sucking up jobs that American citizens need and welfare payments have went through the roof.

(8) Food stamps useage has risen to the level that over half of Americans are forced to draw them.

(9) Set up the most murderous regime and movement in the history of mankind with their own caliphate. ISIS in Syria and and Iraq with his cutting and running from a won war.

(10) Divided the races to a level never seen before in the USA and has sent hatred to new levels.

(11) Promoted a war on law enforcement officers by radical racists.

(12) Brought the level of respect for the office of the presidency to a new low with his childish and unnecessary lies.

(13) Insulted our friends and allies abroad and has our best friend Israel on the edge of extinction.

(14) Set the stage for a certain middle east wide holocaust and full blown regional war with the worst "deal" and cave in to Iran.

(15) Has raised the anger level in our country to such a stage that people are actually turning to Donald Trump to save them.

(16) Raised the national debt to a level that it can never be paid and a record level of government spending is just paying interest.

I'm tired of thinking about all this and I could go on all night. But I guess other than all that he has done a great job of playing golf and promoting the game of golf.

He's an intelligent progressive Black man who is not a self-hater. FIFY
You're a GD nut

You're so ignorant and blind. You do know that there's a republican controlled congress and senate, correct? However, that's not completely why things are as they are.

You have no concept of simple economics. The price of gas has more to do with a failing China and the middle east's desire to destroy new gas related American gas and oil companies. They have a long term plan, and the majority of Americans are too ignorant to see it. Once they drive the American oil and gas exploration companies out of business, we're screwed.

Now, let's talk about ISIS.....the most organized and well funded terrorist group in history. This group was borm and thrives under Obama's watch.

Then there's the war on police and racial tension that's ongoing and as bad as it's ever been.

And let's talk about health expensive as it's ever been.

There's so much going right now that's not sustainable.

You're such a short sighted maggot.
I'm better off than I was when he took office. That's all I care about...Oh wait, does that make me a Republican???
If you are better off, you must be receiving free government cheese and all the other goodies.
The bottom feeders are always happy to get free stuff from the backs of the Achievers.
So no you are not a republican, but a soulless handout taking democrat!
Yea, I don't know anyone that is actually better off now except for those getting handouts. At least with Bush I felt he had our back and felt somewhat safe....not so much with Obama. Obama is a helluva lot more worried about global warming than protecting this country. He is definitely tuned in to not offending any of his muslim brethren as well.
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If you are better off, you must be receiving free government cheese and all the other goodies.
The bottom feeders are always happy to get free stuff from the backs of the Achievers.
So no you are not a republican, but a soulless handout taking democrat!

Or, he works in the Health Insurance industry. Insurance at my office is up 40% over last year.
If I remember correctly, and I do, it was a Democrat Congress that handed Odummy the world on fire.

Let's just conveniently forget about the CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) and how Democrats blocked every effort by the Republicans to reform Freddie MAC & Fannie MAE...

You are correct , the democrats took congress in 2007 and that is when the economy turned south. You are right they seem to forget the facts, don't let those get in the way of a good liberal rant.
Really? Care to explain exactly what policy Obama put in place to bring down the price of gas? Most would say it was all the domestic drilling approved under the Bush administration that came on line during the Obama administration. Have you seen the Debt? Have you seen the increase in food stamps. What, doubled? He ended on war and imploded the country leading to the greatest middle east crisis of our era only to top it with the Iran deal that will lead to the largest Middle East crisis of our life times. Tell me again how Obama controls the stock market? He's been a disaster of immens proportions and only your undying misplaced loyalty keeps you from being objective about it.
LMAO, If anyone ever doubted your ignorance...well here ya go. He brought gas down? You idiot, FRACKING brought gas down, and because of that, the Middle East Oil nations brought it down further to try and put the frackers out of business.

He ended two wars? Um you do know were' still fighting in both places right? Dumbass. And on top of that he's created a civil war in syria, and Iraq. He created know, the JV team, and Russia is running rampant reconstitution the USSR. Damn you're dumb

The stock market has been inflated by the gov pumping 100b a month into to it. Oh, its money WE DON'T HAVE.

Cut the deficit by 2/3s? Holy shit you have to try and be this stupid. HE CREATED THOSE DEFICTS...THEY ARE STILL HIGHER THAN ANY IN OUR HISTORY

Yes he's a failure. We have the most ppl NOT WORKING since 1977, Healthcare is sky rocketing. 80% of all new jobs are PART TIME.

So in short, you're so fcking stupid it must burn?
ole boy's done pretty darn good with it, iyam....
While Barry was getting pissed on by a salmon while needlessly visiting Alaska this week, Chinese Naval Ships entered U.S. territorial waters (for the first time ever) and came within 12 miles of our coast. This was no doubt their way of saying "Up Yours" to us and our limp-wristed Commander-In-Chief.
While Barry was getting pissed on by a salmon while needlessly visiting Alaska this week, Chinese Naval Ships entered U.S. territorial waters (for the first time ever) and came within 12 miles of our coast. This was no doubt their way of saying "Up Yours" to us and our limp-wristed Commander-In-Chief.
They and Putin Know he is a limp wrist, pillow biter and he is not even a paper tiger. He will ignore the "bullies" and exclaim they are not acting properly. Well obama you are now in a real mans world where your lack of action and weakening of America have come back to bite us all.
You are in way over your head, community organizer. You have managed to mislead many ignorant or guilt ridden whites to vote you in twice.
I hope you do not go out easy when you do go. You deserve much more than that.
Osama thought he was limp wristed until obama shot him in the face....
Violence is a fascist's stock in trade.

Like obama's stirring up the listless, unemployed, welfare children to hate whitey! Especially ones with guns and badges.
This is all on him and the national media, got what they wanted a war on Police officers in all the government housing areas and neighboring areas.
Dylan Roof , the theater shooter, the va tech shooter...ex, all liberal're a real don't even realize that it's you who are closest to fascist u dipshit
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Dylan Roof , the theater shooter, the va tech shooter...ex, all liberal're a real don't even realize that it's you who are closest to fascist u dipshit

Ignorant, self-righteous, and arrogant, typical fascist personality type.
I'm better off than I was when he took office. That's all I care about...Oh wait, does that make me a Republican???

It could...but it doesn't make you a conservative. Being a conservative requires the ability to think. its an intellectual undertaking. Now you could be a democrat, That only requires emotion and feeling good about yourself....results don't really matter

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