Earl Grant now has them at 22-6 winning 10 in a row in year 4. Back to back 20 win seasons. They weren’t in great shape when he got there. Almost beat Hurley up in Rhode Island mid season. We need to hire this guy. I am afraid Ole Miss will jump on him. Definitely has a team that can win a couple games in the tourney. Great looking roster and kids he has recruited in a short period of time. Great recruiter, young and hungry, uptempo style, and a class act. Graduated from Georgia College and knows the state. What’s not to like?? Guy is legit. Also a realistic hire. I could make the argument that he may be the best young coach in the country. Every bit or better than Drew or Wilson in my opinion. Go get him ADGM. There roster is more athletic than ours and he is doing this at College of Charleston making 400 thousand a year. Guy would run to Athens.