Campaign finance reform must happen.

Boost Assendahm

Always Ready, Never Prepared
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Until the crooks inside the Beltway (including elected officials and their lobbyist cronies) are held to a cap on campaign spending along with term limits (not to exceed two terms at any level) for elected and appointed officials, there is NO way our federal or State governments can fairly represent their constituents, aka "We the people." As for us, we need to STOP being such willing victims, as it surely seems we welcome victimization. Without it, what ever would we talk about? No injustice? No inequality? No reason to be offended? Just as we have spawned a "professional political class," we have also given birth to their perfect minions, selfish little trolls with interest only in their individual, pet issues. One issue voters is what we have become, not so much for lack of intelligence or education, but more for primal/tribal reasons that we are encouraged to cultivate and expand. How much more often do you hear from just about everyone of any "special interest group," "If you don't believe in and unconditionally embrace what I do and say and how I do things, then you are a hater, so in turn, I hate you."

How is this absolute "malaise" (Carter nailed it 40 years ago) supposed to make things better for ALL of us? Never has this country's population been so fractious, so distrustful of one another. We are trained and encouraged by marketing and media to be self serving from the breakfast cereal we choose all the way up to our lofty right to elect our own representatives to govern us ...... "for us by us." Whatever happened to US? We're all about ME, and that is the way marketing and our political structure wants us. "Divide and conquer," anyone?
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The problem is that no one trust anyone. The problem is trust! And that no one wants to here the truth...either party.