Can’t wait to hear the pundits on CNN after the debate


Diehard supporter
Jan 17, 2020
I said I wasn’t going to watch but have tuned in the last few minutes. My goodness, if Biden had a week to prepare it sure doesn’t show. It’s one thing to get drugged up and read off a teleprompter but it’s another to have to think on your feet.
There’s no way even the most staunch democrat can watch this and not see that Biden is not up to the task.
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I said I wasn’t going to watch but have tuned in the last few minutes. My goodness, if Biden had a week to prepare it sure doesn’t show. It’s one thing to get drugged up and read off a teleprompter but it’s another to have to think on your feet.
There’s no way even the most staunch democrat can watch this and not see that Biden is not up to the task.
Screw the pundits I want to watch THE VIEW!!!

It's going to be GLORIOUS watching them LIE tomorrow. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Should have watched CNN right after. They had a panel of talking heads all talking about how they each heard from Dem sources that Biden gotta go.

It was very obvious this has been orchestrated.

Summer is just heating up because there's no way the lead up to the general election won't have fireworks of the likes we've never seen.
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Should have watched CNN right after. They had a panel of talking heads all talking about how they each heard from Dem sources that Biden gotta go.

It was very obvious this has been orchestrated.

Summer is just heating up because there's no way the lead up to the general election won't have fireworks of the likes we've never seen.
MSDNC too, by the time the mics had turned off they were going after him.
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Was able to stomach a few seconds of Morning Joe this morning. Joe was almost crying about Joe's performance. Joe's toast, as is Kamala. It will be fun to see if Hillary and Big Mike have a showdown to see who takes the reigns.
Can you imagine the posturing going on behind the scenes with top Dem strategists and donors all politicking for their choice. If they pass over Kamala, and I think they do, the Dems will lose a lot of their base.