Can anyone recommend a good pump up sprayer? I just came in


Letterman and National Champion
Jan 31, 2008
from trying to spray some roundup and my old metal one is FUBAR, I'm afraid. I don't want any of those cheap plastic ones from the Depot or Walmart. Thanks
Good question. Honestly, I buy the cheapo plastics and replace ....

every 2-3 years....
At Northern Tool-Hudson Backpack Sprayer, 4 Gallon, 75 PSI, Model# 63184.

49 bucks and change. I like Viton seals in mine, but this one is PTFE, which might work better with the chemicals in Roundup. Lemme know what you get.
I want to buy once-cry once and not have to replace so often

if possible. I found this old metal one used and it's worked well for the last ten years or so, but now all the liquid comes out the top when it's pumped up and screwed on tight.
Buy a Stihl backpack sprayer and you can will it to your kids....

as long as you take care of it. just like all other Stihl equipment. They're not even very expensive.
Re: I want to buy once-cry once and not have to replace so often

Stihl. Ask any lawn maintenance guy. Nothing else is worth a shite.
We run some big Stihl sprayers commercially. Painful initially but well

worth it in the long run. Kinda like a MacBook Pro.
Re: Concur across the board.*

yep, and anybody who spends 60 bucks on something else at HD or Lowes might as well flush their money down the toilet. I spray about 15 gallons of generic roundup a year. Probably not much by your standards with the orchards.

Everybody should also know if you leave roundup in your sprayer more than a week or so, it will make a friggin mess, which you can fix, but it is a PITA.
Re: We run some big Stihl sprayers commercially. Painful initially but well

I'm getting ready to go all Mac with a Mini. Wish somebody would bomb MS.

I asked recently for your contact info for pecans, but I'm sure you didn't see it. My 90 year old mom is a Mississippi farm girl and the old farm house had about a dozen pecan trees around it. The old house is down now and i don't think the trees produce much, but she loves pecans and so do I. When I was a kid, my grandparents would hire the local black families to beat the trees with cane poles and their kids would climb the trees and shake the limbs.

They were kind of subsistence farmers, 110 acres, some pigs, some cows, chickens, big garden, no indoor plumbing until i was about 15, 1970 or so.

Anyway, it would be great to give her some of your pecans. Realize this is not the best time of year.
Actually we run SR450's for mosquito control so it's not a pump up

type sprayer but those damn things can TON it.
Re: That's not me. Not sure who it is that does that. I'm in SC.*

Is it Dirtytoedawg? Can somebody help? Thanks, Death.

This post was edited on 3/8 9:00 PM by deadduckdawg
Dirty toe is the poster you're looking for, dead duck. *

Thank you as well. I asked above. My old brain got...

Death and Dirtytoe confused. They both start with D, you know.

BTW, are you the one who coined "Cawgs or Gie"?
Concur, Be sure to not leave chemicals in it over winter, Clean it out

with water and run water through the pump and spray mechanism if you are not going to use it for prolonged periods. Mine is 9 years old and going strong. Will buy another Stihl if ever need to.
how much do you spray? Use your brain, are you doing this every day?

Buy a cheapo every 2-3 years and use the rest on good BOURBON