Catching this late but I may become a sweetwater beer drinker. Any product

bewildering that people who work at a liquor store in Chicago are offended

by the "happy ending" label. people are truly too damn sensitive these days.

these same folks would probably wet themselves at the sight of old Tom n Jerry cartoons with mammy screaming, "THOOOOOMASS!"
Here's the "offensive" label. Some people are just too sensitive.

zero sense of humor or tolerance. tolerance is a funny thing. only

A liberal is allowed to make a determination.
it's funny. People need to get a life.

I notice that everything those on the left try to stereotype conservatives as stodgy, humorless, controlling simpletons, when it seems to me that the left are much more fitting of that description.

They are the ones that want to control language with never ending political correctness making it impossible to even have good humor as it might offend someone.

They want to pass the endless myriad of regulation and laws controlling everything from the media, the internet and what you can or cannot eat.

We are continually giving more and more of our liberty to the increasingly leftest government.